1750-1918 history timeline

  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    From 1750 to the early 1900's there was an industrial revoulution that took place in Britain, during this revolution the steam engine was invented, the Wright brothers flew a man controlled plane, the first car was made and many more key events in the worlds history were played out during the industrial revolution.
  • Period: to


  • First fleet

    First fleet
    On this date the first fleet arrived in Botany bay. This event marked the beggining of settlement by British and Europeans in Australia. This was a key event is Australia's history.
  • Workers smash machines

    Workers smash machines
    in 1812 Textile workers smashed machine in factories and mills in the midlands and north of England. The attacked the machines because they thought they would take their jobs.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    IN 1852 and 53' a gold rush started in the victorian goldfields, this brang a lot of money and people to Australia. Becasue of all this money coming into Victoria it enabled the state to develop into the state we know today.
  • light bulb

    light bulb
    Thomas edison invented the light bulb in 1879, this was a significant event because it changed the way people lived by producing light for them. But because it uses electricity, andwe have to pay for electricity, most people are not happy about the fact we have to pay to light up our homes.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901. This allowed tthe 6 states to be selved governed. This changed the way Australia ran itself and how the countries people lived.
  • First flight

    First flight
    In 1903 brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright achieved the first controlled, powered, man-carrying flight. (aeroplane)
    This has allowed us to upgrade and redesign our modern day aeroplanes to make them better.
  • First car made

    First car made
    On this date Henry T Ford made the first automoble, it was called the Ford Model T automoblie. This changed the way people got to place and the speed of which they got there. This car has developed into the cars we know today.
  • Titanic sinks

    Titanic sinks
    during the night of April 14th, the worlds largest steamship hits an iceberg in the Atlantic ocean and sinks, 1517 died. This was a very significant event, it was so significant they have made a movie about it.
  • World war 1 started

    World war 1 started
    On this date the first world war started, during the war the reason we celebrate ANZAC day occured when Australian forces landed at Galipolli where many lives were lost.

    On 25 April 1915 members of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) landed at Gallipoli with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This is why we celebrate ANZAC day, to honour the fallen troops.
  • ww1 ends

    ww1 ends
    in 1918 WW1 ends with the defeat of germany and 58,961 Australians losing their life. The war lasted a whole 4 years with many countries involved and many men and women killed while serving their country. This is why we celebrate rememberance day at on the 11 of november at 11 o'clock, we remember thos who gave their lives for our country.