1750 - 1918

  • Period: to

    1750 - 1918

  • British Discorery Of Australia

    British Discorery Of Australia
    In 1768 Captian James Cook is sent to expole the southern hemesphere to find new land. In result they found Australia.
  • Americain Declartion of independence

    Americain Declartion of independence
    While america was at war with britain they signed the declaration of inpendence to make them there own country called the United States Of America. There were 13 coloinies they were made into states.
  • The French Revoultion

    The French Revoultion
    The French Revoultion was a key event in the decline of monarchies and the church and rise of demoncrcy and nationlism. This key event hapened during 1789-1799.
  • Birth of important people

    Birth of important people
    The Birth of Abraham Lincoln the 16 president of the United States of America. He helped free the Afican Americans from slavery and helped the national become in peace with each other. The other imporant human born on the same day was scientist Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin wrote about the therory of evouloution which caused a lot of controvesy at the time. He put forth that plants and animals adapt to where they are. This changed Religion and Science
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Edward Hargraves discovers gold in Bathurst New south wales. This sparks several gold rushes over Australia escpially Ballerat. This was a major boast for Australia bringing people all over the world to Aus.
  • Gattling Gun

    Gattling Gun
    Richard Gatling invents the Gatling gun and in doing so helped the invention of the machine gun. The gatling gun was used in the americain civil war in which 600,000+ people died.
  • National park

    National park
    Yellowstone national park is the first and oldest ever national park in the world. It is based in america and in the state Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The native Amercains lived on this land for many years before Europen settlement.
  • Australia Becomes Federation

    Australia Becomes Federation
    In 1901 Australia broke away from England. The six colonies New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania.
  • The Wright Brothers

    The Wright Brothers
    Two Brothers Wilbur and Orville had a dream to fly and in 1903 they achived this and made travel, communcation and made the world easier to expole.
  • Titanic

    The HMS Titanic was a british ship that sank in the North Atlantic after hitting an iceburg. The Ship was the biggest at the time with the length being 269.0m and 53.3m high. the titanic was carrying 3,327 people and had enough life boats to save 1,178 people. The end casulty was over 1,500.
  • WW1

    The first world war was a war primily based in Europe where many countries took part in. More than 9 million people died fighting in this war. This war also was the making of the ANZACs and Simpsons donkey and Galliopi where many Australians and Kiwis died.