1750 - 1918

  • First hospital

    The first general hospital opens in Philadelphia, offering medical care to people who are ill--except for those with an incurable or infectious disease Source: http://www.hfmgv.org/exhibits/smartfun/timeline/1700/1750.html
  • Kite flown through storm

    Benjamin Franklin flies a kite during a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is electricity
  • captain cook lands in australia

    Captain cook lands in australia in botany bay
  • the decleration of independence

    This is when the 13 states of america signed a document to make them one country incontrol of themselves and not under control of britian
  • the first fleet

    the irst fleet comes to australia bringing over convicts because english jails were full.
  • first lightbulb

    The first electric light was made in 1800 by Humphry Davy, an English scientist. He experimented with electricity and invented an electric battery. When he connected wires to his battery and a piece of carbon, the carbon glowed, producing light
  • Australia was named

    the Governor of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie recommended that new Holland should change it’s name to Australia. in 1824, New Holland was officially changed to Australia. Australia was the name that Matthew Flinders used to call NSW.
  • First Photograph

    The First Photograph, the world's first permanent photograph from nature, was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826
  • Gold Rush

    gold is found near ballarat, people start sailing from all over the world like china, america, england
  • The eureka Stockade

    miners went to war wih soliders over unfair rules the battle lasted 15 minutes 22 miners dead and 6 soliders dead
  • WW1

    WWI began when Britain and Germany went to war in August 1918. With a population of only 5 million, 146809 men enlisted, 60,000 men died and 156,000 men were wounded when Australia went to war with Turkey
  • End of WW1

    The End of the First world war that lasted for 4 years killing thousands