1750- 1918

  • James Watt designs steam engine

  • Arrival of Fisrt Fleet

    The First Fleet arrives in Botany bay. Beggining the Brittish settlement in Australia. The date January 26 is known now as Australia day although some people refer to it as invasion day.
  • Outbreak of French revolution

    outbreak of French Revolution as a consequence of high bread prices and dissatisfaction with a ruling aristocrats who levied high taxes to support extravagant lifestyles
  • Alessandro Volta invents battery

    Alessandro Volta inevents a battery to store electrical current; the unit of electric potential, volt, in named after him
  • George Stephenson builds the first passenger railway between Liverpool and Manchester

    George Stephenson builds the first passenger railway between Liverpool and Manchester and that made transport a lot easier.
  • Edward Hargraves duscovers gold

    Edwrad Hargraves discovers gold near Bathurst, New South Wales, triggering several gold rushes around Australia.
  • Convict transportation to Australia

    Conviict transportation to Australia ceases with the last shipment of convicts disembarking in Western Australia
  • Federation of Auustralia

    The Federation of Australia was the becoming of the 6 colonies in Australia to 1. These colonies were Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania.
  • Henry Ford produces first automobile

    Henry Ford produced his first Ford Model T Automobile in America.
  • World War 1 finishes

    World War 1 end with the defeat of Germany