Qems front

QEMS 2007-08

  • First day of term!

    First day of term!
    My first day teaching at QEMS
  • Meet Duncan

    Meet Duncan
    First discussion of what my WSF would look like
  • Learning to Learn

    Learning to Learn
    I spent the day with 7M - some activities on VAK learning styles and the Super Speed Study Skills workshopby Positively MAD
  • Used Mind mapping in lessons

    Used Mind mapping in lessons
    In the couple of weeks following, I taught mind mapping techniques to Y10 and sixth form classes - I can now pass these skills on to other teachers more honestly, sinceI have experience of what does and doesn't work!
  • Delivered staff training

    Delivered staff training
    Staff twilight session on mind mapping techniques - any who missed the Positively MAD session.
  • Finalised WSF

    Finalised WSF
    Completed WSF signed and sent off
  • Spring term starts

    Spring term starts
    As second in dept I am responsible for getting Deb Coombes up to speed covering for Darron Lonsdale.
  • Fast Track Course - NLP

    Fast Track Course - NLP
    Three day residential course - NLP level 1. Very helpful in understanding current research on how we think and learn
  • Parents in Partnership

    Parents in Partnership
    Planned with Michelle and Lisa and delivered a meeting for parents about the VAK styles - introduction and workshop on visual learning.
  • Summer Term

    Summer Term
    First day back.
  • Year 11 Study Skills

    Year 11 Study Skills
    Followed Y11 study skills session by Positively MAD
  • Preparing iLearner materials

    Preparing iLearner materials
    Working with Ami to prepare materials for L2 lessons.
  • Designing L2 posters

    Designing L2 posters
    Working with Ami to develop and create poster for the whole school based on L2 techniques
  • Discussing VLE with Mark

    Discussing VLE with Mark
    Initially we though about using a wiki, but decided to trial Moodle to share resources and for collaborative learning
  • Y6 induction day

    Y6 induction day
    Taught my first L2 lesson to year 6 on their induction day!
  • L2 team meeting

    L2 team meeting
    Ami led a meeting all morning with the teaching team for L2 next year. I introduced whole-school resources.
  • Visit to Belgrave

    Visit to Belgrave
    Visit with Ami to see 1 year of L2 at Belgrave.