
  • 1607

    John Smith founds the American colony of Jamestown in modern day Virginia. This is the start of colonization in the United States.
  • 1774

    The First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. This is the start of the colonies forming their own government and starting the building of a country.
  • 1787

    The US constitution is adopted. The United States now has a functioning government
  • 1803

    The United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from the French for 15 million dollars. This begins the desire for westward expansion.
  • 1838

    The underground railroad begins. This is the desire for change in society and the modernization of social issues.
  • 1849

    The gold rush begins in California. This continues the desire to expand westward and begins Manifest Destiny.
  • 1850

    Congress passes the fugitive slave act. This shows how the United States was conflicted at the time and how slavery was stilled wanted by many.
  • 1860

    South Carolina secedes followed by ten other states. The is a conflict and division in the country because of conflicted beliefs
  • 1865

    The Civil War ends with the surrender of Robert E Lee. This reunites the country and gets things headed back in the right direction.