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Canadian Timeline: 1896 - 1914

  • Wilfred Laurier Becoming Prime Minister

    Wilfred Laurier Becoming Prime Minister
    Wilfred Laurier was born on November 20, 1841 in Quebuc Canada. He was the seventh and first French - Canadian prime minister of canada. Wilfred is well known for his "National Policy". The "National Policy" was a policy that protected the Canadian industrys and kept them growing, the import of immigrants to help the western settlement and a strong, efficient transportation system to ship goods cost effectively and in bulk. He was the lone factor to establish a strong relationship with Britain.
  • Immigration to the Prairies

    Immigration to the Prairies
    In 1896 the immigration shift of Canada marked a defining moment. Sir Clifford Sifton wanted to put land on the market for sale. He increased advertising to promote the land making Canada look like an attractive place to settle. Clifford's plan paid off because over three million people decided it was the right choice for them.
  • Last Best West

    Last Best West
    The "Last Best West" was a popular slogan used by Laurier to bring in immigrants and lasted until the start of World War 1. The main idea of the slogan was to attract people who would buy the farmland and settle in Canada's East and West. Even though the expansion of the West was booming and economy was skyrocketing, a rising fear came about. Canadians were very worried that with such a rich population already in place and more on its way, that the west would slowly depart from Canada.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The Boer war also known as the South African War and the Anglo-Boer war, was fought from October 11, 1899 until May 31, 1902. The British that occupied Cape Colony wanted to mine the gold and diamonds in transvaal. However. the Boers took this as invasion of their territory and fought back to defend what they believed was rightly theirs. Tesions were also built up previously due to many prior conflicts.
  • Arrival of New Inteventions

    Arrival of New Inteventions
    The arrival of new inventions made Canada's economy boom! The new technologys developed canada's rich storehouse of natural resources. The pulp and paper mills began to arise as a common industry because trees could be cut easier, more paper was availiable. Also, the Canadian sheild was mined for its rich deposts of nickel, copper and other minerals. Canada was becoming a much more self-efficient nation!
  • Life In The Praires

    Life In The Praires
    Life in the praires was no easy task. Keeping feilds and feilds crops successfully growing took extreme patience and strenous work commitment. However, once the growing season finally ended the benefits started to shine, selling the crops made good coin for the farmers. Weather was at extremes out on the praires, in the winters it was freezing cold, the risk of frostbite was always of concern. During the summer, it was hot and heatwaves made many people overheated. However, work was always there
  • Women's Movement

    Women's Movement
    When the 19th century ended, Canadian women felt betrayed with the lack of power they held. They began demanding equality and justice, through legal political means. The new demanders movement had allowed Canadian women to obtain a certain piece of equality. The federal government in 1967 started the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1970 report the commission made 167 recommendations for greater equality of women, such as giving them more political power and the right to vote!
  • Life In The City

    Life In The City
    Life in the city was vibrant and full of life. Many immigrants could be seen passing through towns travelling into their new homes. It was difficult to find work right away but steadily became more availiable as the economy increased. Pay was low for employees and pay was low. Owning a buisness was common for many people because many stores were just opening and buisnessmen reaped the benefits owning state of the art houses at the time.
  • Alaska Boundary Dispute

    Alaska Boundary Dispute
    The Alaskian Boundary Dispute was an argument between the U.S and Canada. The Canadians argument was the they should own it because BC was right below it. On the other hand, the US believed that it was theirs to own it because of manifest destiny and the canadians had a ongoing dispute with russian and britain empires making it more sensible for the US to own Alaska.
  • Saskatchewan Becoming A Province

    Saskatchewan Becoming A Province
    As Saskatchewan was making its entry to Canada becoming a province, politicians were very excited because they believed Saskatchewan had the potential to become Canada's most powerful province. Saskatchewan then went on a mission of province building. The mission was based on the Anglo-Canadian culture and also wheat production because of the massive praire lands for the market industry. As advertsed, many immigrants settled here with farms, the population was growing.
  • Alberta Becoming A Province

    Alberta Becoming A Province
    Alberta's main society was made up of white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant people.
  • Laurier Boom Years

    Laurier Boom Years
    Canada suffered from hard labour and capital shortages mainly due to the size of its territory and money issues. Some businesses had their own selling campaigns. All these efforts had a tremendous effect, almost two million people immigrated to Canada during the "Laurier boom", over half were from the Britsh Isles because of the new opportunities advertised by Laurier. It was attractive and it provided work to sustain a good life to live as humans with purpose not poverty.
  • Nisga's Land Claim

    Nisga's Land Claim
    The Nisga's, were one of Canada's well-known native tribes. A land-claim was settled between the Nisga'a, the Government of Canada and the government of British Columbia. As part of the settlement in the Nass River valley nearly 2,000 square kilometres of land was officially recognized as Nisga'a, and a "300,000 cubic decameter water reservation" was also created. The Bear Glacier Provincial Park was also created as a result of this agreement.
  • Anti-Asian Riots

    Anti-Asian Riots
    On September 7, 2007 white protesters displayed their hatred by marching into city hall to other cultures. It was clear they wanted a white Canada.The protesters were provoked by armed Japanese Canadians who were in stores of the broken Chinatown that the white people had just rioted through. These events lead to the introduction of finally legalizing asians into immigration without any penalty.
  • Unions

    Immigration to Canada had been difficult since the start of the gold rush and the CPR. Immigrants like Asians accept less pay, and do dangerous jobs, so they were employed more often than the white poeple which was of concern. The asiatic exclusion League was formed. The league led a mob through Chinatown and Japtown, rioting in the streets vandalising. To prevent anymore non-white immigrants, the government set out the Immigration act which let immigrants come by continous passage only.
  • Naval Crisis

    Naval Crisis
    The 19th century began a revolution in the building of naval warfare ships. In order for Britain to maintain a strong naval force, Canada and its colonies would be needed to help build powerful war vessels known as dreadnoughts. In Canada, the english wanted their own naval force with britain, while the french thought Canada should have its own independant naval force. Canada decided to build its own small navy to give to Britain in times of need known as the naval service act.
  • Borden Becoming Prime Minister

    Borden Becoming Prime Minister
    Robert Laird Borden was born on June 26, 1854 became the last Canadian prime minister before confederation of Canada began. Robert helped organize meeting between the Canadian bar organization which defined his political character. People recognized him as the owner of the largest legal practise of the maritime provinces. When Robert ran for prime minister he promoted a white Canada. In turn, he got the majority of votes because many Canadians wanted a white Canada to stop immigratio
  • Immigration Issues (Komagata Maru)

    Immigration Issues (Komagata Maru)
    The Komagata Maru was a japanese steamliner that brought Indian immigrants to Canada. It started its long journey across the ocean from Hong Kong all the way to Shanghai then to Yokohama, Japan, and ending at Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1907 a bill was passed, while the Komagata Maru was on its way, so that all Indians were denied the right to vote and all the sailers on the Komagata Maru were forced another long journey back home not allowed on Canadian soil.