b3 nick f

  • commander and chief

    commander and chief
    Upon the 1898 Declaration of War launching the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt resigned from the Navy Department. With the aid of U.S. Army Colonel Leonard Wood, Roosevelt found volunteers from cowboys from the Western territories to Ivy League friends from New York, forming the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment. The newspapers called them the "Rough Riders."
  • chief of state

    chief of state
    teddy became the governer of new york. serving one term shortly after leaving he ran for presedent
  • cheif diplomat

    in 1899 teddy called a tready with mexico and spain after three months of war. if the tready didnt get singed we could be in a madjor war with africa even still fighting today.
  • chief legislater

    chief legislater
    As of 2009, he remains the youngest person to become President. allthough teddy was not helthy he lived to be 60 years of age.
  • chief executive

    chief executive
    In 1901, as Vice President, the 42-year-old Roosevelt succeeded President William McKinley after McKinley's assassination by anarchist Leon Czolgosz.
  • political party leader

    as a rupublican teddy enjoyed hunting, he also was a nature lover,and a historian.
  • cheif of state

    cheif of state
    A 1902 political cartoon in The Washington Post spawned the Teddy bear name.The name Teddy Bear comes from the November 1902 American President Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trip to Mississippi, to which he was invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino. There were several other hunters competing, and most of them had already shot something. A suite of Roosevelt's attendants, led by Holt Collier,[1] cornered, clubbed, and tied an American Black Bear to a willow tree after a long exhaust.