The World Government

  • United States

    United States
    The United Stated declared its independance from the english on july 4 1776. It is located in North America, and is in between Canada and Mexico. The U.S. Consitution was established and retified in 1789. The U.S. current government is a Constitutional-based federal republic. The government has three branches: the Legistlative, excutive, and judicial. It's current leader is President Obama.
  • Mexico

    Mexico declared it's independance from spain in 1810, but was not reconized until 1821. Mexico's current government, federal republic, was established in 1917 with it's consitution. Mexico also has three branches of government. It's government has a president like the U.S.. Mexico's leader is President Calderon. Mexico is located in Central America.
  • Japan

    Japan was founded in 660 BC and has a current government of constitution monarchy with parliametory that was established in 1947. Japans government has three branches and it's consitution was closly watched by the U.S.. The japanese government has a emporer and a prime minister. The emporer is Emperor Akihito and the prime minister is Prime Minister Taro Aso. Japan is located in east asia.
  • Taiwan

    Taiwan's consitution was writen in 1946, but didn't go into affect until a year later in 1947. Taiwan has a mutiplarity demorcracy with a president. The government has three branches and has a current president named Ma Ying-jeou. Taiwan is located just of the coast of China.
  • North Korea

    North Korea
    Korea won it's independance from japan in 1945. Three years later the DPRK was founded and korea's consitution made. North Korea's government is a communist oneman dictatorship. North korea has only had one president. When he died, his son became sucessor and then the leader of North Korea was known to be chairman scence. The Chairman of North Korea;s government is Chairman Kim Jong Il. The gonvernment has three branches. North Korea is located in east asia.
  • Cuba

    Cuba won its independance from spian in 1898. But doesnt reconize its independance until 1902 because the U.S. watched over Cuba until 1902. Cuba's government was established by it's consituion in 1976 and is currently a communist state like china. Cuba's government has three branches and has a president as a leader. The current leader is President Castro.
  • China

    China was foundered in 221 BC and it's consituion's latest update was on December 4, 1982. China is a communist state and has three branches of government. china's leader of government is President Hu Jintao. China is located in east and central asia.
  • Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia
    Saudia Arabia gained it's independance in 1932 by the unification of the kingdom. There is no exact date that the current government was established, but it was established in 1992. Saudia Arabia doest not have a consitution and has three branches of government. Saudia Arabia has a monarchy that is ruled by King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud. Saudia Arabia is located in the middle east.
  • Russia

    Russia finally won it's independance from USSR in 1991, but it's current government was not established until 1993. Scence December 12, 1993, Russia has been a federation government with three branches and a presedent as a leader. The current leader is President Medvedev. Russia takes up mostly the north part of asia.
  • Venezuela

    Venezuela declared it's independance in 1811 but didn't adopt it's current government and consitution until 1999. Venezuela has a federal government with a president. The president of Venezuela is Hugo Chavez Frias. The government has three branches as well and is located on the northern coast of South America.
  • Iraq

    Iraq gained its independance from the League of Nations in 1932 but did not have a consitution ratified until 2005. Iraq has a parlimentary democracy with three branches of government. President Jalal Talabani is the nation's leader. Iraq is also located in the middle east right nextdoor to Saudi Arabia.
  • Great Britain

    Great Britain
    January 1, 900 is not the correct date. It is asumed that the english government was establish some where in the tenth century. Great Britain has a constituional monarchy which consist of a queen or king and the prime minister. The current queen of England is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime ministor is Prime Ministor James Gordon Brown. The english government has three branches like the U.S.; although Great Britain has a unwriten consitution. Great Britain is located in the north west of Europe