13 colonial map

13 Colonies timline

  • Sir Raleigh Arrives on Roanoke Island

    Sir Raleigh Arrives on Roanoke Island
    In 1585 Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send over 100 men to Roaonoke Island. After two of Raleigh's explorers found it to be a perfect place for a settlement.
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies timespan

  • John White in Charge

    John White in Charge
    John White was put in charge. He brought his family with him and several other women and children.The Native Americans killed the men,women,and children which created the Lost Colony.
  • Jamestown was Formed

    Jamestown was Formed
    Over 100 men land on the banks of the Verginias James River. The river wasn't healthy to drink from.The 100 men were immediately attacked by Native Americans. The men were dertermind to stay. They named the new settlement Jamestown
  • Captain Smith Returns to England

    Captain Smith Returns to England
    Captain Smithm returned to England after he became ill. Pocahontas stopped coming to Jamestown. Four years later, Capatain Smith died on June 21,1631
  • Big Year in Jamestwon

    Big Year in Jamestwon
    Jamestown elected the House of Burgesses which was their first goverment. Indentured servants arrivied by boat.
  • Pilgrims Come

    Pilgrims Come
    The Pilgrims arrivied at Cape Cod.They planned to settle near Jamestown.They traveled to Massachusetts Bay to a rocky harbor called Plymouth.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    The Pilgrims and Wampanoags celebrated the first Thanksgiving. It lasted 3 days.They celebrated due to a successful harvest.There were over 100 men there.Thanksgiving was a term for prayer not eating.
  • Meeting House

    Meeting House
    The Pilgrims made a meeting House which was in the center of town for church and meetings.They decided to make this for a goverment.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Since the Mayflower got off course, the Pilgrims had to sign the Mayflower Compact.The Mayflower Compact was a way to keep order and develop laws for the new settlement.
  • Pennsylvania is Formed

    Pennsylvania is Formed
    King Charles II decided to give Wiliam Penn land in the new world becuase the King owed William's deceased father.The land was southwest of New Jersey.