13 Colonies

  • Lost Colony of Roanoke

    Raleigh sent a group there but they returned starving.White took another group there and went back for supplies.He did not return for 3 years due to a war and there was no one there when he returned, all he found was the word "CROATOAN' carved on a tree.
  • John Smith Founded Virginia

    John Smith founded Virginia in 1607
  • First Elected Assembly

    The first elected assembly was established.It was called the House of Burgesses. Then African American workers ,called indentured servants ,arrived by boat to work a plot of land to later own it.
  • Pilgrims Arrived at Plymouth

    Pilgrims arrived to Plymouth in
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    In 1621 was the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth. Colonists became friendly with Indigenous peoples.Squanto interpreted and taught them how to grow food.Pilgrims invited them to a 3-day feast to show thanks.
  • George Calvert founded Maryland

    George Calvert founded Maryland in 1632
  • Roger William founded Rhode Island

    Roger William founded Rhode Island in 1636
  • John White Founded North Carolina

    John White founded North Carolina in 1653
  • William Penn Got Arrested

    William Penn got arrested for practicing the Quaker religion.Even his dad could not even believe him, because in England King Charles ll did not like Quakers.King Charles ll gave William Penn land to make his Colony were people could practice their own religion.William Penn named the state Pennsylvania which stands for "Penn's Woods".
  • William Penn and Pennsylvania

    William Penn founded Pennsylvania in 1681