13 colonies

  • The New England Confederation

    The New England Confederation
    Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven colones all come together to form the New England Confederation
  • Navigation act

    Navigation act
    The effects of the first navigation had both positive and negative effects for both England and the colonists for England it meant increased revenue but the need for more law enforcement and the for the colonists it meant ships that stimulated certain indistinct but it meant more English involvement in colonial affairs.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    William of Orange took the English throne from James II in a peaceful revolution.
  • Creation of royal colonies

    New charter turns Massachusetts, Maine and Plymouth, into royal colonies.
  • Overseas trading

    During the 1700's, overseas trade by the colonies grew quickly, allowing the colonies to make money and prosper
  • Change of English focus

    English focus changed from the colonies to a new war with spain
  • Cato's rebellion

    A group of enslaved Africans in South Carolina Killed 25 colonists and was the largest slave rebellion in the English colonies.
  • Rice plantations and Indgo plants

    During 1739 rice and indgo plants become some of the biggest exports of south carolina
  • French and Idian war

    In 1754 a war between the English colonies, the french, and the native Americans begins.
  • Trade profits increase even more

    By 1770 the exports from the royal colonies had increased to nearly 4 times the amount than the boom in the 1700s