Japan earthquake2011 photos

March 11, 2011 Earthquake Morgan Menendez Katy Jorgenson 2nd Period

  • 2:46 PM Japan time

    2:46 PM Japan time
    Magnitude 8.9 earthquake 231 miles northeast of Tokyo, Japan at a depth of 15.2 miles. Quake is fifth largest in the world (since 1900) and the largest quake ever to hit Japan. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issues tsunami warning for the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the U.S. west coast. Tsunami alerts sound in more than 50 countries and territories.
  • 4:00 PM Japan time

    4:00 PM Japan time
    Within an hour after the quake a wall of water up to 30 feet high washes over the Japanese coast. Cars, boats and trains are swept away. Buildings collapse. Roads and highways are severed. Fires break out in many locations.
  • 7:39 PM Japan time

    7:39 PM Japan time
    Casualty reports begin to come in. Kyodo News Service reports at least 32 dead.
  • 8:15 PM Japan time

    8:15 PM Japan time
    Japanese government declares emergency for nuclear power plant near Sendai, 180 miles from Tokyo. Japan has 54 nuclear power plants.
  • 3:05 AM Japan time

    3:05 AM Japan time
    President Obama says Japan's prime minister told him no evidence of radiation leaks from his country's nuclear power plants.
  • As Of Today..

    As Of Today..
    15,617 people are missing
    9,487 people are now known to have died