ch.7 timeline

  • Period: to

    ch.7 timeline

  • Period: to

    ch.7 timeline

  • Constitution signed

    The Constitution of the United States of America is signed by 38 of 41 delegates present at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Supporters of the document waged a hard-won battle to win ratification by the necessary nine out of 13 U.S. states.
  • George Washington's inauguation

    The inauguration marked the commencement of the first four-year term of George Washington as President and John Adams as Vice President. Sworn in by Chancellor of New York Robert Livingston during this first presidential inauguration, Washington became the first President of the United States following the ratification of the Constitution. It was 1 p.m. at Mount Vernon on April 14, 1789, when Washington received official notification that he had been unanimously selected by the Electoral Colle
  • Judiciary act

    the first session of the First United States Congress establishing the U.S. federal judiciary. Also it established the supreme court, and the thirteen district courts
  • Period: to

    ch.7 timeline

  • Congress approves Hamilton's plan for funding and assumption.

    Congress approves the actions layed out in Hamilton's reports to create a better more stable financial system.
  • Bank of the United States chartered.

    Created a national bank whose financial stability would be tied directly to the strength of the government.
  • Jefferson resigns as Secretary of State

    Jefferson resigns from his position.
  • Whisky Rebellion put down by the army.

    After farmers in Western Pennsylvania rebelled against the tax on whiskey. The government sent the militia to put downt the upsrising. Later the actions were seen as Republican clubs promoting civil unrest, to undermine the authority of the Federal government.
  • General Anthony Wayne defeats Indians at battle of Fallen Timbers

    Thirty-three of Wayne's men were killed and 100 were wounded. The victorious Americans claimed to have found 30-40 enemy dead on the field. According to Alexander McKee of the British Indian Department, the Indian confederacy had 19 men killed
  • Hamilton resigns from Secretary of the Treasury

    Hamilton resigned from his position
  • Jay's Treaty divides the nation

    The political humiliation that is Jay's treaty led to a division in the Union.
  • Congress approves Hamilton's plan for funding and assumption.

    Pinckney's treaty is a welcome surprise because this treaty was able to benefit the country in a bigger way by opening the Mississippi and helping create a stable border and port in New Orleans.
  • George Washington publishes Farewell Address

    In this address Washington formerly declared his intention to retire from the presidency. He warned against political factions.
  • John Adams elected President

    Adams was elected into office following Washington's retirement.
  • Adams was elected into office following Washington's retirement.

    These acts changed the powers of executives in war, allowed the deportation of aliens, and changed citizenship laws.
  • XYZ affair poisons U.S, relations with France

    Relations began to deterriorate, and took a violent turn when French privateers began seizing American ships.
  • Provisional army is formed

    In anticipation of a war with France, the Congress of the United States, by Act of 28 May 1798, authorized the raising of a provisional army and empowered the President to appoint a "Commander of the Army" who, "being commissioned as lieutenant-general, might be authorized to command the arms of the United States."
  • Relations began to deterriorate, and took a violent turn when French privateers began seizing American ships.

    These protest the Alien and Sedition Acts and works to give the states the power to judge the constitutionality of Congresses actions.
  • George Washington Dies

    The death of Washington was very tragic to the United States and his many close friends. He diead at mt. Vernon which was his place of residency
  • House of Representatives elects Thomas Jefferson President

    After a tie, the selection was sent to the House of Representatives, and there final vote came out as Jefferson as th winner
  • Convention of Mortefontaine is signed with France, ending Quasi-War

    Convention of Mortefontaine is signed with France, ending Quasi-War