1200's-1500's discoveries

  • Jan 1, 1200


    medical doctors wrote the consilium, which were case histories discribing numerous diseases and symtpons
  • Jan 1, 1215

    robert Grossesteste

    created the first thorough logical analysis of the inductive and experimental proceedures of practical science
  • Jan 1, 1230

    Jordanes de Namore.

    demonstrated the law of equilibrium of the level: "whatever can lift a given weight of a given height can also lift a weight of 24K times heavier to a height K times smaller
  • Jan 10, 1249

    Rodger Bacon

    theorized his first gun powder formula
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Gilbert the Englishman

    described the local loss of sensation of the skin, that is, the peripherar nerves of early stage leprosy. this remains one of the best early diagnostics sympotoms
  • Jan 1, 1260


    wrote a geology book
  • Jan 1, 1266

    Hugh and Theodoric Borgogoni

    advised putting patients to sleep using narcotic soaked sponges, they also said that wounds should be cleaned with wine and the edges closed with stitches and left to heal.
  • Jan 10, 1280


    the first mechanical clock invented
  • Jan 1, 1316

    Mondino of luzzi

    made Anatomia. he introduced public disections for teaching
  • Jan 1, 1323

    William Ockham

    showed the difference between being in motion and being moved. now called between dynamic motion and kinematic motion.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Albert of Saxony

    was possibly the first to know the difference between the center of gravity and the geometric center
  • Jan 1, 1364

    Giovanni di Dondi

    built a complex clock that kept track of calender cycles and recorded the date of easter by using different lengths of chain.
  • Jan 1, 1370

    clocks of paris

    the clocks of paris were synchronized
  • Jan 10, 1400


    the first golf ball invented
  • Jan 1, 1410

    Benedetti Rubio

    published an herbal that had 450 paintings of plants, botanical notes, situations of authorities used and the names of plants in different languages including Greek, and Arabic
  • Jan 1, 1437

    Johann Gutenberg

    became the first in Europe to print with movable type cast in molds
  • Jan 1, 1439

    printing press

    the printing press was invented making printing books possible
  • Jan 1, 1444


    denied claims that earth was the center of the universe, made several astronomical claims includint tbat the Earth moved around the sun, the stars were other suns, and inhabited worlds. He performed the first modern formal biological experiment, which he concluded that plants absorbed nourishment from the air
  • Jan 1, 1463

    Marsillo Ficino

    made the first complete translation of Plato's dialogues into latin
  • Jan 10, 1485

    leonardo DaVinci

    invented the first parachute
  • Jan 1, 1486

    Bartholomeu Dias

    sailed around the cape of good hope initiating an area of sea faring discoveries
  • Jan 10, 1492

    martin Behaim

    Martin invented the first map glope of the world
  • Jan 10, 1510

    Leonardo DaVinci

    invented the first water wheel
  • Jan 1, 1541

    Giambattista Canano

    published illistrations of each muscle and its relations to the bones
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    published a large collection of meticulous anatomical drawings emphasizing especially the systems of organs
  • Jan 9, 1545

    Charles Estienne

    published drawings showing the venous artenial and nervous systems
  • Jan 9, 1546


    published the idea that diseases were caused by diseas-specific seeds that could multiply within the body and be directed from person to person through contact
  • Jan 9, 1553

    Miguel Servet y Reves

    said that the blood circulates form the heart to the lunges and back
  • Jan 10, 1565

    Conrad Gesner

    the first Graphite pencil invented
  • Jan 10, 1565


    the first bottled beer invented in London
  • William Lee

    invented his own knitting mechine
  • microscope

    William Boreel invented the microscope
  • Zacharias Jenssen

    invented the compound microscope
  • Galileo Galilei

    invented a water thermometor