
History of Educational Technology

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    Behaviorist Theory

    Learning is an activity that occurs inside the mind and can be inferred by observed behaviors. Shaped by reinforcement and punishment.--BF Skinner
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    Scaffolding Theory

    Learning as a cognitive building process/Zone of proximal development-Vygotsky
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    Child Development Theory

    Learning is growth through social and neurological maturation-Piaget
  • Z1 Computeri is invented by Konrad Zuse

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    Social Activism Theory

    Learning as a social experience driven by student interests-Dewey
  • ABC computer invented

  • The Colossus Machines invented in England

    Cracked codes during WWII
  • ENIAC Computer completed

  • The Transistor is invented

    Makes computers capable of becoming smaller, lighter, and less expensive.
  • First computer used for instruction

    Computer-driven flight simulator trains MIT pilots
  • UNIVAC Computer

    First commercial computer & able to pick presidential winners.
  • IMB makes its first computer

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    Information Processing Theory

    Learning is encoding information into human memory like how a computer stores information. Three kinds of stores: 1) sensory registers, 2)Short term, 3) long term.--Atkinson and Shriffin
  • Sputnik is launched by the USSR

  • The Integrated Circuit is invented

    A key building block of all computers, the integrated allowed for even smaller models than was possible with transistors -- and crucially, allowed for affordable computers, as it helped to drive prices down.
  • First Computer used with School Children

    IBM 650 computer teaches binary arithmetic to NYC school children
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    University time-sharing systems

    Faculty/students in universities across the country use mainframe systems for programming and shared utilities
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    Discovery Learning

    Learning is cognitive growth through interaction with the environement-Bruner
  • First Computer game invented

  • The mouse is invented

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    Cognitive-Behavioral Theory

    Learning is shaped by providing optimal conditions.--Gagne
  • Apollo Spacecraft Guidance computers invented

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey premieres

  • ARPANet is invented (the original internet)

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    Computer-assisted instruction movement emerges

    Large-scale, federally funded university projects use mainframe/minicomputer systems with schools
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    Systems theory and systematic instructional design

    learning is fostered by using a system of instruction based on behaviorist information processing and cognitive behavioral theories
  • Atari is founded

  • First consumer computer invented (Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair computer)

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    Mainframe and minicomputer applications dominate field

    Schools begin using computers for instruction and administration
  • Apple I is first demonstrated

  • CDC President Norris announces PLATO will revolutionize instruction

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    CAI movement declines, computee literacy movement begins

    Arther Luehrmann coins term computer literacy for skills in programming and using software tools. Molnar (1978) warns that non-computer literate students will be educationally disadvantaged.
  • First Microcomputers enter schools

    Using desktop systems, classroom teachers begin to take back control of instructional and administrative applications from distrcit data-processing offices
  • Word Processors invented

  • Ctrl+Alt+Dlt invented (thank goodness)

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    Microcomputer applications spawn movements

    Field focuses on software publishing intitiatives and teacher authoring software. The computer literacy computers-as-tools approach gives way to Logo's computer-based, problem solving approach.
  • IMB PC introduced

    first personal computer
  • Famous Apple 1984 Super Bowl ad

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    Integrated learning systems (ILSs) emerge

    Schools begin to see ILS networked systems as cost-effective solutions for instruction to address required standards; marks movement away from stand-alone systems and toward central server with connected computers.
  • Windows Introduced

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    Theory of Multiple Intelligences

    Howard Gardner
  • WWW is bord

    The first browser (Mosiac) stranforms a formerly text-based internet into a combination of text and graphics. Teachers enter the "Information superhighway"
  • Deep Blue beats man at chess

    Deep Blue successfully bested the man regarded by many as the greatest chess player ever in a huge coup for artificial intelligence.
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) creates standards

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    Internet use explodes

  • Wikipedia is launched

  • iPod launched

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    ISTE updates standards

  • iPad is launched