
  • Austrian-hungarian empire

    during the 1800's the Austrian-hungarian empire was going through many changes. The industrial revolution was emerging but they were also losing much of their land as Germany and Itlay became two seperate united nations.
  • The Ottoman Empire

    during the 1800's the ottoman empire began losing it's power. It slowly lost more land to Austria, Russia, and France.
  • congress of vienna

    The congress of vienna redrew Europe and decided to exile Napoleon to St. Helena.
  • Revolts start

    revolts begin in Italy calling for a united nation.
  • An emperor for Austria

    Francis Joseph becomes emperor.
  • revolts

    Revolts in Italy begin
  • A war between Austria and Italy

    the two countries almost had a war over religon but the pope changed his mind so they did not fight.
  • Prime minister in Italy

    King Victor Emmanuel II appoints Count Camllo Cavour his prime minister
  • seccret alliance

    Cavour makes a secret alliance with France to defeat austria.
  • War with Austria

    Cavour provoked a war with Austria and with Frances help wins annexing Lombardy in a week.
  • a king of a united nation

    Victor Emmanuel is crowned king of most of Itlay.
  • Otto Von Bismark

    King William I of Prussia made Otto on Bismark prime minister.
  • Denmark

    Prussia and Austria then invaded Denmark, took and split Schleswig and Holstein.
  • Alliance

    Prussia forms an aliiance with Austria.
  • Alliance breaks

    Bismark attacks Austria. The war lasted seven weeks, Prussia won taking Holstien and annexes, parts of North Austria.
  • A compromise

    Hungarian nationalists create a compromise that turns Austria into what is known as a "Dual Monarchy". This plit Austria into Austria-Hungary, they were two separate states with their own constitutions and capitols.
  • France

    Bismark provokes a war with france. France suffers a massive defeat.
  • 2nd Reich

    Germany is officially united as the 2nd reich or empire.
  • Kulturkampf starts

    Bismark waged a political war with the Catholic Church.
  • Chancellor

    Kaiser William I appoints Bismark as his Chancellor or highest advisor.
  • Kulturkampf ends

    After a failed attempt to defeat the Catholic church Bismark makes peace with the pope.
  • The Kaiser dies

    Kaiser William I dies.
  • A new Kaiser

    William I's grandson, William II takes over.
  • Bismark resigns

    Wanting people to know he is the ruler William II asks Otto Von Bismark to resign from his post.