
  • Change with Austria

    The Austrian Empire had goals against tiberal forces, since the Congress of Vienna. By the 1840's factories were forming and the Hapsburgs were having problems with the industrial life.
  • Ottoman Empire

    In the 1830's Greece won independence. Numerous people revolted against the Ottomans. In the mid 1800's Europeans came to divide the Ottoman Empire. Russia too was fighting numerous wars against the Ottomans. Also, Britian and France were claiming Ottoman lands.
  • Congress of Vienna

    It was pointed out at the Congress of Vienna that diamantling the government of each state would be required to unite Germany.
  • Revolts

    In result of the French Burbon leader being put in charge of Naples and Sicily, nationalists created secret socities to expell Austrian forces. However, each time a revolt took place the Austrian troops crushed the socities.
  • End of Revolts

    The secret socities created by the nationalists ended their revolts.
  • Crushing of Revolts

    The Hapsburgs ignored demands made by nationalists. Soon they revolted the the government crushed the nationalists.
  • Taking over

    Nationalists took over Venice's arsenal and declared the Republic of Venice. The success was short and disbanded. Venice was once again under Austria's rule.
  • New Prime Minister

    Count Camillo Cavour became Victor Emmanuel's prime minister. He then moved to reform Sardinia's economy. Also, he supported free trade, built railroads, and improved farming methods.
  • Alliance

    Prime Minister Cavour made a deal with Napoleon, who promised to help Sardinia if a war would happen with Austria.
  • War

    Cavour provoked a war with Austria and with help from France, he defeated Austria. Sardinia annexed Lombardy.
  • End of Cavour

    In 1861 Cavour died, but his dream was completed. Italy formed an alliance during the Austro-Prussian War with Prussia. Italy won the province of Venetia.
  • Chancelor

    King William I appointed Otto van Bismarch prime minister. Thus, making him the highest official of a monarch (chancelor).
  • Bismarck's first act

    Bismarck first had an alliance formed between Prussia & Austria.
  • Bismarck's second act

    Austria and Prussia invaded Denmarck and claimed two provinces, Schleswig and Holstein, which were divided. Austria took control of Holstein and Prussia took control of Schleswig.
  • Bismarck's third act

    Prussia attacked Austria. After seven weeks, Prussia took control of Holstein and other northern states.
  • New Political Power

    Prussia defeated Austria in a war in 1866. The next year, Ferenc Deak worked out a compromise between Hangarians and Austrians. Thus creating a new political power, the Dual Monarchy. This made Hungary and Austria separate states. Francis Joseph ruled the two states. The states shared ministries of finance, defense, and foreign affairs.
  • Bismarck's fourth act

    Bismarck edited the "Ems dispatch" making it look like William I insulted France. France then declared war on Prussia. Within a few weeks France was defeated, proving Germany was Europe's dominant power.
  • Birth of the second Reich

    William I took the title as Germany's Kaiser (emperor). The birth of the second Reich (empire) was then celebrated. Bismarck drafted a constitution made up of a two-house system. The upper class (Bundesrat) was appointed by the rulers of the German states and could veto any lower class (Reichstag) decisions. This allowed the real power to remain with the emperor.
  • Kulturkampf

    Bismarck started the Kulturkampf (battle for civilization) in 1871. He wanted members of the Catholic Church to put loyalty to the state before the church.
  • New German

    After 1871 the German government issued a single currency, organized the banking system, and designed railroads. This promoted economic development.
  • End of the Kulturkampf

    The "Battle for Civilization" ended in 1878. In the end, the Kulturkampf made the Catholic Church stronger than before.
  • End of Kaiser William I

    In 1888 Kaiser William I died.
  • Kaiser William II

    After Kaiser William I's death his grandson took over, Kaiser William II.
  • Goodbye Bismarck

    Kaiser William II asked Otto van Bismarck to resign as the chancellor. Kaiser William II didn't want to be in Bismarck's shadow.