Toddler timeline

  • baby is born !

    baby is born !
    baby is born !
  • 13-18 months physical developement

    13-18 months physical developement
    baby's first steps . The baby is walking using gross motor skills .
  • 13-18 months cognitive developement

    13-18 months cognitive developement
    baby is stacking blocks. So he is using his hand muscles that is fine motor skills . He is thinking about how the blocks work and how they go stacking up together.
  • 19-24 months physical developement

    19-24 months physical developement
    baby climbing up stairs . Physical developement that everyone has to learn at one point of their lives .
  • 19-24 months cognitive developement

    19-24 months cognitive developement
    baby playing peek a boo. The baby knows automatically that if he removes his hands from his face then he will see what ever is in front of him .
  • 25-30 month physical developement

    25-30 month physical developement
    child pushing a wheeled toy. The child is using both fine and gross motor skills because he is grabing the toy with his hands and walking at the same time.
  • 25-30 months cognitive development

    25-30 months cognitive development
    children playing together nicely . This picture shows 2 toddlers being social .
  • 31-36 months physical developement

    31-36 months physical developement
    chrildren throw ball over head but not where he wanted it to go. This is physical developement because the child is playing with the ball.
  • 31-36 months cognitive development

    31-36 months cognitive development
    a little girl learning how to read a book. Intellectual is very important and so is learning how to read when your 3 years old.