Year 1000 Timeline

  • Apr 16, 1119

    Knights of Templar

    Knights of Templar
    The Knights of Templar were knights/crusades endorsed by the catholic church, they favored charity christendom. They were active from 1119-1314. They partook in Temple Mount, Jerusalem
  • Apr 16, 1269

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Marco Polo was a venetian merchant traveler from the Venetian Republic. Went on a 24 year journey to trade with his uncle and father. Imprisoned and released to become a wealthy merchant and eventually married and had kids.
  • Apr 16, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The treaty of tordesillas was a treaty between the Portuguese and Spanish where they decided to divide up all the land on the earth outside of Europe between the two of them.
  • Fatimids

    The fatimids is when the Shi'a conquered Egypt and founded present-day Cairo. They started the movement in northern Africa along the Kutama borders and managed to convert them to Shi'a Islam.
  • Leif Ericson

    Leif Ericson
    Leif Ericson was a Norse explorer who founded the first Norse colonies in Greenland, also known as the Eastern Settlement.