
Xavier's Timeline

  • Birth of the amazing Bucket

    Small light brown baby with curly hair and pretty brown eyes. Learn how to walk and talk early after being dropped and healed for three months in the hospital.
  • 2007-2009 Little-League football

    Went undefeated for two years in a row.
  • Jr High

    Jr High
    I started playing basketball and football for the school of Gurdon Arkansas. Had fun with the Coaches and teammates.
  • Highschool sports

    Highschool sports
    10th grade football was the first year of high school football. Even though we only won 3 games out of 10 I loved playing with the team it was a brotherhood of friends that played together since we were little kids in peewee.
  • Me now

    Me now
    I'm 16 and my family and girlfriend shaped my life now. Made me realize that my family and friends won't be around forever so i have fun with them as much as i can.