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  • Spread of Industrialization

    Spread of Industrialization
    Many countries were very invested in ruling everything and didn’t care however they did. This industrialization led to the war because people were tired of having other countries to rule their own country.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Spread of Nationalism
    Nationalism was a big reason for the stating of WW1. Many countries became very involved in themselves and believed they were much better than anywhere else. Lots of countries got way to confident and believed they could do and take on any country the want. More often than not, nationalism led to rivalries and conflicts among nations that could only be solved with fights.
  • Spread of Militarism

    Spread of Militarism
    Militarism caused WWl because lots of new countries were making their militaries and naval powers bigger and more power. This was happening because Empires had to be defended. Other countries however saw this as a threat so that needed to make themselves more powerful. By 1890, the strongest military was that of Europe’s and Germany’s. Germany had built there because they were threatened by England’s fleet. In the end this led to France, Italy, Japan, and the US to join in.
  • Austria claims Bosnia

    When Austria claimed Bosnia, this caused many problems with Bosnia and Serbia. Serbia wanted to claim Bosnia and it made Serbians angry that Austria did. This angered Bosnians and Serbians and actually led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
  • Spread of Alliances

    Spread of Alliances
    Alliances caused WWI because many countries were becoming allies and were promising aid to each other. They hoped to create a balance of power but instead led to war. Alliances like the Triple Entente were created that included France,Britain,and Russia. Another was the Triple Alliance or Central Powers which consisted of Germany ,Austria-Hungary,and Italy. These alliances made sure that allies helped each other so when things happened countries were quick to protect their allies leading to war
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was touring Bosnian which was just taken over by Austria-Hungary. He tours in a convertible and a bomb is thrown at the car. He was fine however and they continued as usual. Gavrilo Princip was from Serbia who was a part of a group who fought for Bosnian independence.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles brought WW1 to an end. It ended the state of war between Germany and the allied powers. In the end this was a good thing for Germany because Germany was hated and was in terrible debt,