• The Fascist Party

    The Fascist Party
    Mussolini promised to restore Italy to its prosperity of ancient Rome. Fascism is a political philosophy that combines radical nationalism with racism. It celebrates that nation or race as a superior to all others, and policies often reflect that
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Germany takes full responsibility for causing all the loss and damage caused by the war and pay for the reparations, no navy or submarines allowed; army restricted to 100,000 men and NO air force.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    6 million unemployed in Germany, production declined 58%, thousands suffering from hunger/malnutrition, discontent with current German government rising
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    The communist and totalitarian ruler Joseph Stalin became the dictator of the Soviet Union in 1929. His main priorities were to transform USSR into industrial superpower and eliminate anyone who may be disloyal.
  • Hitler Elected Chancellor

    Hitler Elected Chancellor
    Encouraged extreme nationalism (fascism) in his speeches, gave Germans someone to blame, said that Germans belonged to superior “Aryan” Race and the Treaty of Versailles was unfair
  • Hitler Denounces Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Denounces Treaty of Versailles
    He begins to re-arm Germany, making other countries very angry. This was against the treaty and he decided to ignore that.
  • Alliance

    “Rome-Berlin Axis”: Germany & Italy form military alliance due to common interests; dominating Europe and establishing large empire and destruction of Soviet Communism
  • German Occupation

    German Occupation
    Germans invade Rhineland, which gives several countries the idea of creating the Munich Pact because he has too much power.
  • Annex of Austria

    Annex of Austria
    Hitler’s dream was to unite all German speaking people in Europe in 1 country. This lead to the annexation of Austria in 1938 (Austria gave in to avoid war).
  • Hitler Breaks Munich Pact

    Hitler Breaks Munich Pact
    Adolf Hitler invades Poland and breaks Munich Pact. This creates anger among many nations includinf Britain and France who declare war on Germany.