Th (7)


By mas0417
  • Archduke Ferdinand

     Archduke Ferdinand
    Ferdinand was assassinated.
  • War

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • World war erupts

    World war erupts
    Germany and Russia declare war against each other
  • Germany and France

    Germany and France
    Germany and France declare war on each other
  • Battle of Mulhouse

    Battle of Mulhouse
    At five o’clock on the morning of August 7, 1914, French troops launch their first attack of World War I
  • British Parliament passes Defense of the Realm Act

    British Parliament passes Defense of the Realm Act
    a week after Britain declared war on Germany and entered the First World War
  • Battle of Mons

    Battle of Mons
    On August 23, 1914, in their first confrontation on European soil since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815
  • The Battle of Coronel

     The Battle of Coronel
    In a crushing victory, a German naval squadron commanded by Vice-Admiral Maximilian von Spee sinks two British armored cruisers with all aboard off the southern coast of Chile on November 1, 1914, in the Battle of Coronel.
  • Germany declares war zone around British Isles

    Germany declares war zone around British Isles
    A full two years before Germany’s aggressive naval policy would draw the United States into the war against them, Kaiser Wilhelm announces an important step in the development of that policy, proclaiming the North Sea a war zone, in which all merchant ships, including those from neutral countries, were liable to be sunk without warning.
  • mass killing

    mass killing
    Turkey had a mass killing
  • Allies sign Treaty of London

    Allies sign Treaty of London
    after receiving the promise of significant territorial gains, Italy signs the Treaty of London, committing itself to enter World War I on the side of the Allies.
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    the British ocean liner Lusitania is torpedoed without warning by a German submarine off the south coast of Ireland.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    was one of the largest battles of the First World War. Fought between July 1 and November 1, 1916, near the Somme River in France, it was also one of the bloodiest military battles in history
  • Britannic sinks in Aegean Sea

     Britannic sinks in Aegean Sea
    The Britannic, sister ship to the Titanic, sinks in the Aegean Sea on this day in 1916, killing 30 people. More than 1,000 others were rescued.