• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    started WW1
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    led to the assination of Ferdinand
  • Lusitania sinks

    submarine warfare against the United Kingdom which had implemented a naval blockade.
  • Battle of Jutland

    was fought in great confusion owing to a fog of smoke from the stacks and guns
  • Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare

    started sinking ships
  • Zimmerman Telegram Published in the US

    German ambassador to Mexico proposing a Mexican-German alliance in the case of war between the United States and Germany
  • Russian Revolution begins

    There were rioting and strikes in St.Petersburg.
  • Influenza epidemic

    killed an estimated 50 million people 1/5 of the world's population was attacked by this deadly virus
  • Armistice Signed

    the armistice that ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I
  • Russia signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Ended russions priciptation in the war
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    others signed with differnt treaties
  • US declares war on Germany

    serious of provacations