(WW) Call of the Wild by Jack London, Fiction,133 pages

  • Call of the Wild by Jack London pages 38-118 chapters 3-7

    These pages talk about how after the sled race with Francois and Perrault Buck is yet sold again. But to a group of people that came to Alaska looking for gold and had no business being their. Their names were Hal Charles and Mercedes. Him and the rest of the dogs that are pulling the slay are treated horrible. After running out of food they have the dogs live off of barely anything. Right before the dogs are on the verge of dying buck is saved by a man named John Thornton.
    total pages 391
  • Call of the Wild by Jack London pages 118-133 chapter 7

    These pages talk about how Buck devotes himself to John Thornton for saving his life. Buck then hunts for a moose in the woods while John Thornton and his friends are back at the camp. After being unsuccessful he heads back to camp only to find everyone died and killed by indians. Overcome with rage Buck kills every Indian in sight. Buck then devotes his life to killing as many indians as he can and that is how the book ends. total pages 406
  • Call of the Wild by Jack London Pages 1-38 chapters 1-3

    These pages talked about a dog named buck. He lives with his faithful owner in california. Until one day when one of his owners friends takes buck and sells him to a man. Buck is then taken to alaska where he starts his crazy journey. He is beaten with a club, sold once again and then ends up joining a dog sled team. The dog sled owners are Francois and Perrault and they enter the dogs in a race. This is what these pages are about. total pages 311