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World Wide Web

  • Vannevar Bush and Memory Extension

    Vannevar Bush and Memory Extension
    Vannevar Bush writes in the Atlantic Monthly about memory extension, which can link documents to microfiche.
  • Ted Nelson coins Hypertext

    Ted Nelson coins Hypertext
    Hypertext is a file that is complex, changing, and undeterminate.
  • ARPANET created

    ARPANET created
    Advanced Research Projects Agency created the ARPANET(Address and Routing Parameter Area) to connect the University of California at Los Angeles with SRI International, University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah.
  • File Transfer Protocol

    File Transfer Protocol
    Abhay Bhushan wrote the File Transfer Protocol and published it as RFC 114. It was later replaced by RFC 765, RFC 959, RFC2228, adn RFC 2248.
  • The term Internet is coined

    The term Internet is coined
    The term Internet was coined by Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalal, and Carl Sunshine at Stanford University.
  • ENQUIRE Program

    ENQUIRE Program
    Tim Berners Lee created a program called ENQUIRE. During this program, Berners experimented with hypertext, which allows people to use hyperlinks.
  • The First Personal Computer

    The First Personal Computer
    IBM released the first personal computer which cost $1,565 US dollars.
  • Domain Name System

    Domain Name System
    Paul Mockapetris created the Domain Name System. Some of the domain names were .gov, .edu, .com, .org, and .net.
  • Tim Berners Lee writes proposals

    Tim Berners Lee writes proposals
    Tim Berners Lee writes "Informational Managment: A Proposal" and "Hypertext and CERN".
  • Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web

    Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners Lee released the first web browser, the World WIde Web. This web browser allowed for people to view web pages through the use of hyperlinks.
  • World Wide Web announced

    World Wide Web announced
    The World Wbe Web project was announced to the world.
  • First Web Page

    First Web Page
    The first web page was launched. This web page described the future plans for the World Wide Web.
  • Mosaic was created

    Mosaic was created
    The first web browser, Mosaic, was created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. This allowed users to navigate through the World Wide Web easier by changing text commands to images.
  • Internet Explorer released

    Internet Explorer released
    Microsoft Internet Explorer appeared. This was part of the Windows 95 Plus pack.
  • Google opened

    Google opened
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin opened Google.Google began to answer 10,000 searches per day.
  • Mozilla is open sourced

    Mozilla is open sourced
    Netscape released its code and open sourced Mozilla.