World War I

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife are assassinated in Sarajevo.
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    World War I

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    Battle of Tannenberg

    Between the Russian Empire and the German Empire.
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    Battle of Marne

    The Allies pushed the German lines back some 40 miles.
  • U-boat sunk British liner...

    U-boat sunk British liner...
    killing more than 100 people and 1 American
  • A German Sub. sank the Arabic...

    A German Sub. sank the Arabic...
    another British liner, killing two Americans
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    Battle of Verdun

    Germany attacked Verdun, a fortified French city. About 400,000 French casualties and 336,000 German casualties.
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    Battle of Somme

    British forces suffered some 60,000 casualties in a single day. This battle left more than 1 million dead or wounded.
  • Woodrow Wilson made a speech where he called for "peace without victory"

    Woodrow Wilson made a speech where he called for "peace without victory"
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    American newpapers published an intercepted cable from German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann to the German minister in Mexico.
  • Wilson addressed Congress, asking for a declaration of war.

    Wilson addressed Congress, asking for a declaration of war.
  • Declared war.

    Declared war.
    the Senate declared war,,, with The House following two days later. The vote was not unanimous.
  • United States enters World War I

    United States enters World War I
  • Congress passses the Selective Service Act

    Congress passses the Selective Service Act
    It required men between the ages of 21- 30 to register with local draft boards.
  • President Wilson established the National War Labor Board

    President Wilson established the National War Labor Board
    Agency created to settle disputes between workers and employers.
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    Battle of the Argonne Forest

    The Americans suffered some 120,000 casualties.
    Allied Powers – France
    Associated Powers - USA
    Central Powers – German Empire
  • reps of German govern. arrived at the Allied headquarters in Compiegne to hear the armistice terms.

    reps of German govern. arrived at the Allied headquarters in Compiegne to hear the armistice terms.
    The Allies demanded that the Germans eevacuate Alsace- Lorraine, Belgium, France and Luxembourg and surrender an enormous amount of military equipment.