World War 2 Timeline

  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    Source President Hindenburg dies, letting Hitler rise to power as Fuhrer in Germany. The reason why this happened was because the depression in Germany made it so that people like Hitler could rise to power. The effect of Hitler's rise to fuhrer was that it allowed him a position to enact his policies. Image
  • Japan Invades China

    Source Japan invades China, sparking the Second Sino-Japanese War. The reason why Japan invaded China was because they wanted to expand their country because of their imperialistic tendencies. The result of this was the eventual western sanctioning of goods to Japan, indirectly causing the Pearl Harbor incident.Image
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    2nd Sino-Japanese War.

    Source Japan invades China, eventually ending in a stalemate, but the lands were given back to China after the war had ended. The reason why this war happened was because of Japan's Imperialistic tendencies. The effects of this was that Japan got it's lands taken away. Image
  • The Nanking Massacre

    Source The Japanese army massacred thousands of Chinese civilians over six weeks. The cause of this was the Sino-Japanese war and how the Japanese army treated enemy civilians. This debacle has and still is causing strain in Sino-Japanese relations to this day.Image
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Source Germany invades Poland, Sparking the Second World War. The reason why Germany invaded Poland was because Hitler wanted to give the "racially superior" Germans more "living space", and enslave the native Slavs. The effect of this was that it caused the UK and France to join the war effort against Germany.Image
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    German Blitzkrieg

    Source The Germans invaded Europe with a new strategy. The reason why they did it was because they wanted to re-conquerer Europe. The effects of this were that Europe fell to Germany. Image
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    World War 2

    World War 2 Germany attacks Poland, starting the Second World War. The reason why this happened was because of Germany becoming bitter due to Post-War sanctions. The effect was a war spanning the world, tearing it apart at the seams.Image
  • The Blitz

    Source The Blitz was when the Germans started bombing Britain. The reason why they started doing this was because they needed to weaken the British before their invasion. The effects of the Blitz were that it caused widespread terror and destruction across Britain.. Image
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Source Operation Barbarossa was when Germany decided it needed to invade the Soviet Union. The reason why Hitler wanted to conquer the Soviet Union was because he needed to fuel is megalomaniacal beliefs. The result of this was a weakening of the german army because they needed to fight on two fronts.[Image](
  • Pearl Harbor Incident/ The US Joins the War Effort

    Source The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the area where most of the US navy was docked. The reason why this happened was because the Japanese wanted to put the US out of commission early because they were pretty much one of the only other Pacific Superpowers. The result of this was that the US joined the war on the side of the allies.Image
  • Wannsee Conference

    Source The Wannsee conference was when the leaders of Germany met to plan the eradication of the Jews in Europe. The reason why they did this was because the Nazi regime classified Jews as "undesirables", believing them less than human. This lead the the Holocaust, where millions of the so called "undesirables" were slaughtered at the hand of their captors.Image
  • Operation Gomorrah Begins

    Source Operation Gomorrah was when the Allies decided to firebomb Hamburg, killing or wounding several thousand people in the process. The reason why it happened was because it was meant to be a terror attack on German morale. The effects of this was the creating of a firestorm over Hamburg, utterly destroying the city. Image
  • D-Day

    Source The Allies invade Normandy, setting the path for victory in Europe. The reason why it happened was because the Allies were planning on invading Germany, and Normandy was the launch pad for it. The result of this was the capture of Normandy and the eventual liberation of Europe. Image
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Source The Battle of the Bulge was when the German Army caught the Allies by surprise, trying to cut them off from their lines. The reason why this happened was because Germany was desperate, instigating a last ditch effort. The effect of this was a bloody battle spanning weeks, resulting in the eventual defeat of Germany due to troop depletion.Image
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Source Operation Thunderclap was when the British air force started a firestorm in Dresden, Germany. The reason why this bombing occurred was because it destroyed Germany's manufacturing power. The effects of the firebombing were the death of several hundred thousand people and reduced economic might for Germany. Image
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    The battle of Iwo Jima was when the US stormed the beaches of the island. The reason why this happened was because it was part of the "Island Hopping" strategy that the US employed in the Pacific Theater, wanting to get their bombers in range of Japan. The effects of this was a long and bloody battle, which ended with a US victory and bringing Japan in range of American bombers.Image
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    Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa was when the US army invaded the island of Okinawa. The reason why this occurred was because the US needed a staging ground for their eventual invasion of the Japanese islands. The effect of this invasion was because of how long and bloody it was, it lead to the eventual nuclear bombing of Japan.Image
  • VE day

    Source Berlin is captured and Hitler commits suicided. The allies had pushed into the heart of Germany, ending the war. Soon, after the war, Germany was split into two halves: East and West.
  • Nagasaki Leveled by Fat Man

    Source The Japanese city of Nagasaki was leveled by an atomic weapon dropped by the US. The reason why the US dropped a bomb on the Japanese was because they wanted a fast and easy way to win the war. The effects of this was the surrender of Japan a while later, ending World War Two.
  • Hiroshima Leveled by Little Boy

    The Japanese city of Hiroshima was leveled by a nuclear weapon, spreading radiation all over the country. The allies dropped this bomb on Hiroshima because they wanted a fast and easy way to make Japan surrender. After America dropped this bomb on Japan, it severely weakened Japanese resolve, eventually leading to their surrender.
  • VJ Day

    Source VJ day was when Japan surrendered, ending the Second World War. The reason why this happened was because America dropped two atom bombs on Japan. The effect of the Japanese surrender was that it ended World War Two.
  • Winston Churchill Condemns the USSR, Sparking the Cold War

    source Winston Churchill condemns the USSR, sparking the Cold War. The reason why this happened was because of the vastly different paradigms of the British and Western governments as opposed to the Communist government of Russia. The effects of this condemnation were that it heightened tensions between the east and west. Image