Black ops

World War 2 mini project

  • Holocaust

    the Nazi regime in Germany begins construction of concentration camps. Dachau is first camp, soon followed by others.
  • Period: to

    The holocaust, a sad time

  • Holocaust

    the Nazis decree a boycott of Jewish owned shoips and businesses.
  • Holocaust

    the Nuremburg Race Laws against the German Jews.
  • Holocaust

    Kristallnacht. Destructions of Jewish Synagogues and other communmity property by rampaging gangs. German Jews forced to pay a 1 billiion mark fine for the damage inflicted on them by the Nazi mobs.
  • Holocaust

    Germany conquers Poland. The German S.S. immediately begins action against Polish Jews. The Nazi Reichskommisar for Jewish affairs, Reinhard Heydrich, orders that Polish Jews be gathered into ghettos near railways for fuure "final goal"
  • Holocaust

    Nazis begin extensive euthenasia of sick and disabled in Germany. There is almost no public protest. (Note: most victims were non-Jews; this was a general policy.)
  • Holocaust

    beginning of an extensive concentratiion camp complex (eventually including more than thirty camps) near Oscwieczin (Auschwitz) in eastern Poland. In January, the Nazi racist newspaper, Der Sturmer, predicts: ". . . . the time is near when a machine will go into motion which is going to prepare a grave for the world's criminal — Judah — from which there will be no resurrection."
  • Holocaust

    Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, summons Rudolf Hoss, commandant of Auschwitz, to Berli and tells him that "the Fuhrer [i.e, Hitler] has ordered the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. We, the S.S., have to carr out the order . . . . I have chosen Auschwitz for this purpose."
  • Holocaust

    Wannsee Conference in Berln. Officials of German government departments, the SS, and oter organizations meet to coordinate the planning and implementation of the Final Solution.
  • Holocaust

    first test use of Zyklon-B gas at Auschwitz.
  • Holocaust

    Russian troops overrun Auschwitz. An estimated 2 milllion people (including 1.5 millliion Jews) have been murdered in the complex of camps around Auschwitz alone. Till the end of the war agianst Germany, other concentration camps are liberated in the East and in the West. Film is taken of the survivors at the time of liberation, of dead and dying that have not been disposed of, and of the horrible conditions in the camps and these films, when they are shown (as parts of newsreels and in postwar
  • Holocaust

    Surrender of Germany.