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World War 1

  • Assassination in Sarajevo

    Assassination in Sarajevo
    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austro-Hungarian empire, in Sarajevo, Bosnia. When Ferdinand was visiting Bosnia was under the rule of Austria-Hungary. Ferdinand ignored warnings of anit-Austrain unrest in Sarajevo. On the morning of June 28, 1914 Ferdinand and his wife drove a car that had a conspirator named Gavrilo Princip. He shot at the car and they both died.
    This is an important event because, when he was assassinated that is what started WW1.
  • The Battles Begin

    The Battles Begin
    The wars begin after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, with Austria-Hiungary delcaring war of Serbia. Later Germnay delcars war on Russia. And Germany declares war on France. This is important because this is when all the countries declared war on each other.
  • Austrian-Hunfarian Empire Declares war on Serbia

    Austrian-Hunfarian Empire Declares war on Serbia
    Due to the assassination, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire declared what was expected to be a short war on Serbia.
  • The Battle of Tannenberg Begins

    The Battle of Tannenberg Begins
    Russia's incursion into German territory was two-pronged. General Samsonov had begun to take his Second Army into the south-western corner of East Prussia whilst General Rennenkampf advanced into its north-east with the first army.
  • New Technology

    New Technology
    Germany was the first to use a new weapon called posion gas. Posion gas blinded or choked its victims or caused agonizing burns and blisters. This is important because this shows what weapons were invinted and used during the World War
  • New Weapons

    New Weapons
    Germany used zeppelins, large gas-filled balloons to bomb the English coast. Later both sides equipped airplanes with machine guns. Pilots known as "flying aces" confronted each other in the skies. This is important because it allows people to show details on what happened during the battles.
  • First German air raid over London

    First German air raid over London
    Hundreds of fire caused be the exploding bombs engulfed are of London, but fireman were able to put out the bombs, sand saved much of the city from destruction. This is importatnt because it shows different techniques that countries used ot go to battle.
  • Impact of World War 1

    Impact of World War 1
    Rasputin's influence over Alexandra had reached new heights and weakened confidence in the governement. Fearing for the monarchy, a group of Russian nobles killed Rasputin on December 29 1916. This is important because this shows how many rules during the World War attempted to take over or make better, and succeded or failed.
  • Rasputin was murdered

    Rasputin was murdered
    To save the monarchy, several members of the aristocracy attempted to murder the holy man. The plan was simple. Yet on that fateful night the conspirator found that Rasputin would be very diffiicult to kill. This is important because it shows how much out of the way people went to kill and make happy and peace during the World War.
  • Tsars Steps Down

    Tsars Steps Down
    Disasteres onthe battlefield, combined with food and fuel shortages on the home front, brought the monarchy to collapse. Workers went on strike. Troops refused to fire on the demonstrators leaving the government helpless. Finally adive on the military and political leaders, the Tsar abdicated. This shows that people took control for what they wanted to succeed. To show why they weren't happy with things that were happening.
  • US Declares War

    US Declares War
    The United States enters into the first World War, declaring war on the Central Powers. This is important because "President Woodrow Wilson pledged neutrality for the Untied States, a position that the majority of Americans favored."
  • USSR withdraws from the War

    USSR withdraws from the War
    Russian revolutionaries setup a Communist goverment, attempting to make peace with the central powers. This is important because it shows that countries wanted to make peace to end the war earlier.
  • Fourteen Points

    Fourteen Points
    Woodrow Wilson outlines his fourteen Points. These fourteen points are important because this was a statement that was said that World War 1 was being fought for a moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe.
  • Costs of the War

    Costs of the War
    The devastation was made even worse, by a deadly pandemic of Influenza. A pandemic is the spread of a disease across a large area- in this case, the whole world. This flu killed 20 million people worldwide. This is important because this shows a common illness now, is still affective in killing millions of people.
  • World War 1 Ends

    World War 1 Ends
    The Central Powers were tired of fighting and wanted things to end. So they signed the armistice that ends World War 1. This is important because now that the war is over, no more people are dieing, and peace can come.