
World History Timeline

By erichu
  • James Watt Steam Engine

    James Watt Steam Engine
    When James Watt was nineteen he moved to Glascow to set up his own instrament making buisness. one day hye had to go make a repair on a Newcomen steam engine and while he was working on it he realized that he could make a better and more efficent model. in 1781 he came up with idea for the rotary motion steam engine. This was the basis for the trains we see today and it helped with the idustrial revolution by being able to transport goods and materials.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Taxation among the people of France was unfair so King Louie XVI called the Estates General to resolve the problem but during the process the common people got angry and went and formed the national assemble and created the tennis court oath which said that they wouldn't rest until a new constitution was formed. They went and stormed the Bastille and went after the royal family, soon after this they came up with The Declaration of the Rights of Man...( see time span below)
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    French Revolution

    ...which calmed the people down for a while but they still exicuted the King on January 21, 1793. The results of the revolution was that fuedalism was abolished and the nobles and clergy had to have the same rights as the common people.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian revolution was a revolution that was done by slaves. They had this revolution because they were tired of being slaves under Frence power.A person that was very influencial was a man named Francois Toussiant L'Ouverture. When he joined the revolution he trained a small group but he didn't take place in the violence because he saw the different powers that wanted Haiti so he allied his forces with France.They came to the agreement that he could run Haiti with a councilship. Haiti indep
  • Independance of Mexico

    Independance of Mexico
    A priest in Mexico by the name of Father Miguel Higalgo was the leader of a rally group against spain rule. He was planning a revolt aginst the spanish and when people found out they all came and meet to seet hw they could help. They took up weapons such as knifes., clubs, stones and anything else that they could find and made their way towards the capital fighting their way throught the Spanish. They fought eleven years before they finally got their independance. Mexico still remains freetoday
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of vienna was a meeting to solve varius problems that had been becoming a growing threat during the Freanch Revolutionary war and the Nepolianic wars.It was held in Vienna,Austria and embassadors of many Eurepian countries showed up to work out theproblems with political boundries. Frances boundries had to be redune after Nepoliean lost power because of all the land that he had taken over and the Greman Confederation was also formed.It ultimatley gave Gremans morepowerwhichleadtoWWI
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a meeting that was held in Vienna, Austria regarrding the French Revolutionary wars, and the No
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    Congress of Vienna

  • Opium War

    Opium War
    Britian had built up a substantial trade in opium to India from China. China wasn't too hapy with this so they tried to slow down the trade by comming up with anti opium campaigns and the commisioner of one campaign called Lin Tse-hsu found and destroyed around 20,000 cheats of opium. this greatly angred the British so they went and complained to their government about it and they sent 16 warships the british took over a few cities and then formed the treaty of Nanking (see time span below...)
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    First Opium War

    .. which open up a few ports to Britian it also put less restrictions on foreign trade. it also lead to the Taiping Rebellion.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    The Comunist Manifesto was a book written by Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels and it explained the Communist leauges purposes. The communist leause was the very first marxist international group. The book also looked at the problems of capitalsim. It also told both of the mens ideas that capitalism at the time would turn in to socialism and then eventually into communism. They predicted right becaus eit eventually did become communist and then later the Soviet Union formed.
  • Matt Perry goes to Japan

    Matt Perry goes to Japan
    The U.S sent Perry over to Japan to nagocieate a few thing that the Americans needed at the time. They need a place to keep coal for their ships to restock at, they wanted Japan to also hold Americans sailors that had been injured and wanted them to get good treatment, and lastly they wanted to be able to trade with Japan. The first time Perry went over he was turned away but the second time he went back they came to an agreement that we could use it to store coal and treat our people and trade
  • Sepoy Muntiny

    Sepoy Muntiny
    Britian was an overwhelming force in India and had major trade set up there. They also started introducing things like railroads and telegraphs which frightened the Indians. The revolt came from the Sepoys who were hired by the British East India Company as soldiers. The British had just introduced rifle to them which used cartragies that were rumoured to be graesed down with the animal fat used from cows which were holy to them. (see timespan below...)
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    Sepoy Muntiny

    They then went and revolted and took over the cities of Kanpur and Delhi. But on Sempember 20 of that year the British came in and absolutley crused the rebellion. As a result of this the EastIndia company dissolved and India became under direct British rule.
  • Unification Of Germany

    Unification Of Germany
    Germany at the time was a collection of smaler states that were all linked together by the German Conference which was created at the Congress of Vienna which was run by Austria, so it meant that the German Confederation was dominated by Austria. Then one day Prussia challenge the mpower of Austria which lead into a seven week war between the two countries. In the end Prussia won and convinced Gremany that it should be unified. This hen resulted in the second German Riech.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    There was lots of confusion over the control of Africa so the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck called together fourteen different nations to divide up Africa but the major powers out of those fourteen were France, Germany, Great Britian, and Portugal. they divided Africa up for themselves. The main reson for this was money and resources and the effects of this were rampant explotation, phisical improvements, Agricultural changes, economic tranformation, educational improvments.
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    Berlin Conference

  • Russo-japanese War

    Russo-japanese War
    The Russo Japenese War was a war that was fought between Russia and Japan. They both wanted control over Korea really badly because Russia needed a port that would be functional all year beacuse their main port was only operational during the summer and they wanted to be able to trade all year long. The Russians and Japanese hated each other so the Japanese chose wars over treatys. Japan ended up winning agaist Russia making them a world power and setting the stage for world war two.
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    Russo-japanese War

  • Zulu Uprising

    Zulu Uprising
    The Zulu uprising was lead by Bambatha kaMancinza and it took place in Natal, South Africa and was against the British because of taxation. He lead a series of guerrilla attacks against the British and used the Nkandla forest as a base. But in August of that year British troops set out to find Bambatha and the did . He was beheaded and his small forces crused beacuse they were using spears and sheilds while the British were using machine guns. (see timespan below )
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    Zulu Uprising

    The results of the Zulu uprising was that it caused the end of the Zulu kingdom and caused even greater tension between the Boer states and the british empire
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
    Dr. SunYat-sen started out pesuing a career in the medical field but saw his chance to go in and change the government of china so he did. Sun is seen as the pioneer of Nationalist China and the Founding Father of the Republic of China.He also had a very key role in the over throw of the Qing Dynasty.Dr. Sun Yat-sen also came up with his political philosophy of the Three Pnciples of the People which are nationalism,democrasy,and livelihood. Because of him it eventually became comunist.