World history

  • The Cheka

    The Cheka
    Lenin secret police called the cheka the chelas arrested Anyone suspected of being anti-Communist they were tortured and executed without a trial.
  • Russia civil war

    Russia civil war
    The war was from a group named the Reds and the whites the reds group were Lenin’s and the whites were Communists.
  • Germany Revolution

    Germany Revolution
    After the weimar republic was two attempts one in 1919 called the spartacists rising it was about communist and the other was the Kapp putsch in 1920 it was about army’s against the treaty of Versailles and soldiers tried to take over Berlin.
  • The black shirts

    The black shirts
    The black shirts were a group that developed throughout Italy they were a paramilitary group they attacked socialists and they were very violetly.
  • Religious persecutions in Russia

    Religious persecutions in Russia
    The Russian Orthodox church was one of the most of persecutions the people only worship stalin because same people we’re afraid of him so they did what he said to do.