World History 1750-1914

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    Watt Steam Engine

    During these years James Watt perfected his design for the steam engine. This was critical to the industrial movement because now factories did not have to be on rivers and could use steam harnessed from burning wood to turn a piston and do work. The steam engine could power textile plants and even DC power plants. This is 5.1 because it is a development of industrialism that helped countries develop and modernize.
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    Reign Of King Louis

    King Louis was not a natural ruler, but had the throne thrust upon him. He was a good father and had a passion for locks, but had a hard time keeping pace with all the decisions that a King must make. The populace was upset with him because they saw him as out of touch and spent lavishly on good food. He presided over national debt, and food shortages, which led to more rage with his policies. He first was forced to give up power with the declaration and was eventually killed. 5.3 Revolution
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    The American Revolution

    The American Revolution ended in the separation of the colonies from their ruler the British. It was a revolution powered by enlightenment ideas like the consent of the governed, federalism and constitutionalism. The end result was America, the most free, just, and happy society that has ever been even dreamed of. 5.2 new nation state, 5.3 new revolution.
  • Invention of the spinning mule

    The spinning mule was invented in 1779 by Samuel Crompton, and shows the power of industrialism to improve production and quantity of goods to the consumer. The Spinning Mule attaches to a water wheel and allows users to make more, finer cloth using the power of a flowing river. 5.1 This is a product of industrialism that led to the proliferation and expansion of new production techniques which broadly increased production.
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    Simon Bolivar

    Simon Bolivar was the leader of the nationalist South American revolutions against the Spanish empire. He was powered by enlightenment ideas and emboldened by the success of the American Revolution, and he imagined a large confederation of Latin American states. Although this dream failed, they were able to break from spain. 5.2 end of Spanish imperialism in South America, 5.3 new nationalist states.
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    The French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a violent overthrow of the status quo powered by enlightenment ideals. It started with angst over unfair representation in the assembly, national debt, starvation, and a bumbling monarchy. It started well with the Declaration of the Rights of Man but devolved into mass violence and paranoia. The revolution eventually saw the achievement of most of its goals, but not without straying from its enlightenment roots into violence. 5.3 Revolution,
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    Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution was the only successful slave revolt which resulted in the independent nation of Haiti. Haiti was a colony on the island of Hispaniola for the French. Led by Toussiant L'ouveture, the inspirational leader, thousands of slaves croke free and killed their captors, asserting soverignty. The island had a huge slave majority, and fought off Napolean. 5.3 nationalist revolution.
  • Cotton Gin Developed

    Eli Whitney developed the first modern cotton gin, which changed the methods of cotton cultivation in the South of America and on plantations elsewhere. The cotton gin made it easy and fast to divide the seeds from the fluff of a cotton plant, which boosted production. This led to massive plantations of huge scale cotton growth, with more slaves and worse conditions. 5.1 industrial invention, 5.4 caused migration of Africans by increasing demand for slaves.
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    Napoleonic Wars

    The Napoleonic wars were an extension of the wars that started in 1789 when most of Europe invaded France because they feared the French Revolution. Napoleon went on the offensive and conquered most of Europe except Britain. He forced European nations to evolve their militaries and also spread enlightenment ideas. He eventually suffered defeats deep in Russia in the winter and in Britain at Waterloo. 5.3 Napoleon used nationalism to encourage passion for France and French military prowess.
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    Reign of Napoleon

    Napoleon reigned briefly in 1815 as well. He was a military leader who abolished the Directory and took control of France as emperor. He is famous for being an inspirational leader and for his law code which contains enlightened ideas. He fought wars all around Europe and the most important impact of his rule was the spread of revilutionary ideas (constitutions, equal rights, nationalism) around Europe. His rule ended in exile. 5.3 nationalist figure trying to conquer whole world for France.
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    Latin American Revolutions

    The new ideas of the enlightenment found their way to the Americas and provided the inspiration for revolts that broke down the colonial system in South and Central America. The American and Haitian revolutions provided the ideas and energy for revolutions in Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Peru. They were led by Bolivar, Hidalgo, and others. They share nationalism and enlightenment ideas. 5.3 revolutions, 5.2 new states.
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    Congress of Vienna

    After Napolean went around warring in Europe, he spread a bunch of liberal ideas like the legal equality in his law code. This upset and unnerved the elites of Europe and they got together to restore order to Europe and maintain the balance of power between the five main countries. They rearranged the map to even out the five powers, and set France back the way it was. It led to future tensions because some ethnic groups got stuck in the wrong nation.5.2 because they changed the states in Europe
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    War of Greek Independence

    During this war, the Greeks asserted their independence and broke free from the Ottoman empire. This shows the weakness of the Ottoman empire that led to the reform movements of the Young Turks and the Tanzimat. The Ottomans tried to control many other cultural groups like Egypt and Greece but lost them all because they did not industrialize and were weak militarily. 5.3 state asserts soveringty,5.2 effects of industrialism leaves Ottomans weak.
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    First Opium War

    The British divined that they could surmount a defecit in trade with addictive drugs, and henceforth proceeded to move them into China with haste. China was upset, and triied to stop it. This provoked a war, which China rapidly lost. This showed that the balance of power shifted and China was no longer in a dominant spot in trade, and was humbled by this loss which was followed by its forced open trade in the spheres of influence. 5.2 Imperialism.
  • Seneca Falls

    The Seneca Falls convention was a landmark for the womens rights movement in America. Although it would be more than fifty years before women achieved suffrege, this was a declaration of female equality that shows the female activism brought about by industrialism and how they coped with new roles by fighting for equality. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were in attendance, and they penned a mock declaration of independence except for women. 5.3 because it is an attempt at reform.
  • The Communist Manifesto First Published

    The Communist Manifesto was one of the principal criticisms of industrial society. Published by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, it denounced the poor conditions and said that all of history was essentially a struggle between classes that would eventually end with a violent revolution that would abolish the class structure and distribute wealth. 5.3 because they were trying to reform industrial society.
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    Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping was the largest in a series of rebellions which show the widespread discontent with the Qing Dynasty. The Taipings, led by Hong Xuiquan, wanted reforms like broad literacy, communal wealth, and an end to footbinding. They conquered large parts of China but were eventually defeated by the opposition, backed by the gentry class. The rebellion failed but twenty five million Chinese were killed. This showed the need for reform in China. 5.3 reform movement, class conflict and discontent.
  • Bessemer Process Developed

    Henry Bessemer developed this process which allows the rapid, cheap conversion of pig iron into steel by oxidizing it as it is smelted. This was a cornerstone of industrialism because it allowed for stronger, taller buildings and better cities and bridges and factories. 5.1 because it is an industrial processfrom the industrial age.
  • Indian National Congress Founded

    The INC was founded as a forum for discontented Indians to air their greivances with colonization. As time passed it became obvious that they had alot of greivances, and pressure started to build. They began advocating self rule, and in 1909 they got some representation. The congress is important ecause it shows nationalism becuase the Indians want to rule themselves, and shows the flaws in British imperialism. 5.2 Imperialism, 5.3 Nationalism
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    Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion was the largest of many responses to heavy handed British imperialism. The impetus of the conflict came when soldiers refused to put the Lee-Enfield .303 cartridge in their mouths due to religious reasons and were sentenced to mutiny, but it was also a response to British economic exploitation and forced imperialism. 5.2 brought on by imperialist Britain, 5.3 revolt against conditions, nationalist unity against Britain.
  • Origin of Species Published

    The Origin of species was Charles Darwin's magnum opus, which would become the foundation for evolutionary theory. Through observations on the galapagos islands and his travels on his ship the beagle, Darwin formulized the idea that the most fit specimens of a species pass on their traits. This is important because it is contrary to the bible and widened the rift between science and theology. Key concept 5.1 because industrialization brought on many advances in science.
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    Suez Canal

    The British Empire imperialized Egypt with the goal of building the Suez Canal. The canal connected the mediterranean to the red sea and by extension the entire west which made it possible to ship goods more quickly and avoid going around the south of Africa. This shows England's presumtiousness in imposing their will and also their good transportation network that held the empire together. 5.2 Imperialism
  • Freeing of the Serfs

    This was one of Alexander II's liberal reforms. He freed the serfs so that Russia could have labor for its industrial factories and to appear as a modern nation. He may have done it for moral reasina and also feared the conesequences of the building tensions. The freeing of the serfs did not always leave the serfs very free, but was a large step. This was 5.3 because it was a large liberal reform,5.1 because industrialism helped to move Russia away from this type of labor and 5.4theywenttocities
  • Italian Unification

    The movement for unification started with Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian nationalist who wanted one large state. His dream did not become realized until Camilio di Cavour united all of Italy with an army from sardinia. He used realpolitik and manipulative maneuvers to stoke nationalism and unite his people, like involving his people in the crimean war. The two men who wanted to unify were actually fighting against each other. Important because it shows nationalism. 5.2 new state, 5.3 nationalism
  • Meiji Restoration

    Times in the Tokugawa Shogunate grew tough as famine, high taxes, unequal treaties, and a poor economy introduced a sense of inferiority and shame. Emperor Meiji took control in a civil war and put Japan on the track to modernize. They learned to copy European techniques and got a constitution and a state sponsored industrial economy. They ended the order of Daimyo and Samurai. The Meiji Restoration put Japan on track to become a world power. 5.3 Reform movement, 5.1 move to industrialism.
  • German Unification

    The cunning Otto Von Bismarck used realpolitik to unify the German state. As a Prussian leader he built up the military and insudtrialized in his theory of blood and iron. He defeated Austria in the seven weeks' war and then forged and leaked a letter from a French ambassador and roused nationalist sentiment to get the people behind the Franco Prussian war, which they also won. With a common enemy, the German people were able to put aside their differences. 5.2 nation state formation 5.3 natl'sm
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    Berlin West Africa Conference

    This was a conference between twelve industrial nations that got together to set ground rules for the colonization of Africa. They set common sense norms like the fact that a power had to notify the others before invading the African land, and they had to promote Chrisitanity. Their only mistakes were that they forgot to invite a single African nation and they mistook Africa, an entire continent, for their own personal resource bureau. 5.1 Imperialism and exploitation of Africa, competition.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion signaled the end of the Qing Dynasty and the weakness of China in their agrarian stage. The Empress Dowager Cixi was upset with foreigners and supported the Boxer Rebellion, in which Chinese militias killed foreigners and Christians. The Boxers were defeated by Europeans and the Cixi lost popular support. The Qing fell soon after. 5.3 Nationalist Movement, 5.2 effect of imperialist spheres of influence, 5.1 shows weakness due to lack of industry, 5.4 Europeans in Asia
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    Boer War

    The Boer war shows the fierce competition that often took place amongst European nations for territorial possessions, with total disregard for Africans. The Dutch arrived first and farmed, and as more came they pushed out the Native Africans and took all their land. When diamonds and gold were discovered, the Brits who came fought the Afrikaner Dutch, and the Brits won. 5.3 imperialism, 5.4 Global migration of Europeans explains why SA speaks English.
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    Russo Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese war is indicative of what happened after industrial nations with imperial ambitions went after enough land and eventaully ran into one another. In this war they both wanted Korea and Manchuria. This war shocked all of Europe because Japan beat Russia swiftly. This was somewhat of a coming out party for Japan to show all the advancements they made and to show their new industrial status and military prowess. 5.2 war of imperial powers.
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    The Panama Canal

    In a swift move of its landmark fairness, the U.S. supported a rebellion in Columbia to create the nation of Panama so that it could get the land to dig the Panama Canal. Thousands died in its construction, but the result was a 14 mile strip of water that shortened travel by months. This boosted trade and commerce and also showed America's willingness to imperialize. 5.2 imperialism, 5.1 global trade.
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    All India Muslim League

    The All India Muslim League was one of the responses to British imperialism. They campaigned for the split of the subcontinent and eventually got the nation of Pakistan, but they also campaigned for the interests of Muslims, and helped get representation. Important because it shows discontent amongst those ruled by the British empire, precursor to Indian independance. Pakistan became its own country in 1940. 5.3 reform, trying to reconcile ethnic differences, 5.2 concerns British imperialism
  • Henry Ford Installs First Moving Assembly Line

    Before the assembly line cars took much longer to build and were more expensive. Instead of having one person build the car from start to finish, on the assembly line the car rolled by and one worder did one task over and over. This led to faster, cheaper production that made cars more accesible to the masses and made them more reliable as well. This is 5.1 industrialism and global capitalism because it is a new way of making and using goods.