woods 1885-1915

  • Soda!

    Coca Cola the first soft drink was invented
  • Radio Wave

    Radio Wave
    n 1887, Heinrich Hertz showed the world how to use radio waves. It helped with the telegraph.
  • Effiel tower

    Eiffel Tower built in Paris (designed by Gustave Alexandre Eiffel)
  • Holmes is on the case!

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writes first Shelock Holmes book
  • More Land!

    Washington,North Dakota,South Dakota,and Montana become states
  • Brazil!

    Brazil officially declared a republic
  • Yosemite

    Yosemite National park is created
  • Massacre

    American soliders open fire on an indian tribe in wounded knee creek in South Dakota
  • Womens rights

    New Zeland becomes first country to let women vote
  • Cornflakes

    William kellog invents the first cereal corn flakes
  • War!

    Spainsh American war begins
  • The Edison battery

    The Edison battery
    The Edison battery was perfected, using a alkaline electrolyte and was a super-duper storage device.
  • Assassination Alert!

    Assassination Alert!
    Franz Ferdinand was assasinated by a Serbian assasin!
  • The Trench mortar

    A mortar is essentially a short, stumpy tube designed to fire a projectile at a steep angle. It could deliver devistating damage!