Votes women

Womens Suffrage

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    !st meeting by women to discuss voting rights. women at the meeting split over the issue of the 14th and 15th amendement
  • Wyoming

    by the 1890's Utah, Colorado, and Idaho had also granted women voting rights.
  • Illegal voting

    Illegal voting
    It got them to have the admentment introduced in California but was later kiilled. Susan B. Anthony was a imporant person that was involved. she declared that in her trial every principle of justice had been violated; that every right had been denied; that she had had no trial by her peers; that the court and jurors were her political superiors and not peers. they announced her determination to continue her labors until it was equal.
  • Supreme Court Decision

    ruled that women were citizens but then denied that citizenship automatically conferred the right to vote
  • Supreme court Decison

  • Carrie Chapman Catt

    was a women's suffrage leader who campaigned for the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which gave U.S. women the right to vote in 1920. Catt served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and was the founder of the League of Women Voters and the International Alliance of Women.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York and resulted in the fourth highest loss of life from an industrial accident in U.S. history. The Cause of this fought for better working conditions and Factories.
  • More Radical Tactics

    Womans Party pressured the Federal government to pass the sufferage movement. Paul had organized her followers to mount a round-the-clock picket line around the White House
  • 19Th Amendment

    "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." amemdment won final ratification in auduest. 72 years after women had first convened and demanded the vote at the Seneca Falls convention in 1848
  • NAWSA Formed

    Susan B Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton Was the fomders of this.believed success could be more easily achieved through state-by-state campaigns. Men were able to join the organization as members; however, women solely controlled the leadership of the group
  • New NAWSA Tactics

    5 new tactics by Carrie chapman Catt,
    1. painstaking organization
    2. close ties between local, state, and national workers
    3.establishing a wide base of support
    4. cautions lobbying
    5. gracious , ladylike behavior