Women's Rights 1960's to current year

  • 1963- The Equal Pay Act

    This was an act that was passed in 1963. Which allowed women to have the same equal pay in the work place as men. Before this act was passed women would get paid less that women for doing the same job. With this act men could no longer discriminate against women.
  • 1964- Civil Rights Act

    When this act was passed in 1964 it was a huge real for a lot of people especially for women. It helped them become more independent, and not have to relay on a men anymore because they could now get it on their own.
  • 1972- The Title IX of Education Amendments

    The Title IX of Education Amendments passed an amendment. In which women or anyone of any sex origin could not be denied the right to have an education. People in this time thought that because you were a girl you were dumber than others, which isn't true.
  • 1978- The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

    This act was passed in 1978. And this allowed pregnant women to work. It also prohibited pregnant women, women or just went through childbirth, or women with any medical condition related to the pregnancy to not be discriminated because of these things. This definitely gave more women an opportunity to be more independent, and not have to relay on someone else to help them not even a man.
  • 1980- Paula Hawkins

    She was the first women to be elected to the United States Senate without following her husband or father in the job. This was a huge moment in the Women's Rights Movement. It gave women the courage to go after their dreams and do things they always wanted to do.
  • 1983- Sally Ride

    She was the first american women to ride into outer space. And since women were looked own on; nobody ever thought that a woman would make it to the space. And a women actually did.
  • 1992- More women started running for Congress

    This year was known as the year of the women. More and more people started to support and join the Women's Rights Movement. And more people also started to vote that year, and it was a very empowering year for women.
  • 1993- Sexual Harassment in the work place

    The Supreme Court ruled that sexual harassment in a work place was illegal. Women who were sexually harassed at work suffered psychological injury. Men would say really prorocative things to women when they were just trying to do their job and get a check like everyone else.
  • 2005- The Reauthorization of the violence against women act

    When this act was reauthorized there were just things put in place to hep the victims. There was a program that helped the younger kids who had seen the violence; and there was a housing program that provided people with a home if they need one. So that the victims would not end up homeless.
  • 2010- The Affordable Health Care Act

    When this act got singed into the law it provided more people with affordable health care insurance. With this act private insurance companies had to provide birth control without any co pays or deductibles. This law required private insurance companies to cover preventive services.
  • 2017/ current year

    Throughout the years women started to become more and more acceptable in a "men's world". Congress now has a record number of 104 women that were in and might still be in The House of Representatives; and there were 21 women as Senators. Hillary Clinton as ran for president last year, and almost won.