women's history month

  • history

    1789: Abigail Adams makes plea to her husband: "Remember the ladies" in the new Constitution.
  • history

    1792: Sarah Pierce establishes first institution in America for higher education of women, in Litchfield, Connecticut.
  • history

    February 15, 1820: Susan B. Anthony's birthday
  • history

    1838: Kentucky widows with children in school are granted "school suffrage," the right to vote in school board elections.
  • history

    July 13, 1848: Lucretia Mott, Martha C. Wright, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Mary Ann McClintock are invited to tea at the home of Jane Hunt in Waterloo, New York. They decide to call a two-day meeting of women at the Wesleyan Methodist chapel in Seneca Falls to discuss women's rights.