Women's History Month

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Convention was the first U.S women's rights convention. It was held in New York. Over 300 men and women attended.
  • 11th Women's Rights Convention

    11th Women's Rights Convention
    The convention is held to acheive suffrage for both women and black Americans.
  • Women's Sufferage Voting

    Women's Sufferage Voting
    Susan B. anthony tried voting illegally. She is convicted and is fined $100 which she refuses to pay.
  • Women on Strike

    Women on Strike
    More than 100 people died when women went on strike for rights. Especially females and teenagers.
  • President Wilson

    President Wilson
    President Willson states his public support for the women's sufferage amendment.
  • President Wilson Adresses Senate

    President Wilson finally adresses the Senate personally, arguing for women sufferage at the war's ends.
  • 50th Anniversary

    50th Anniversary
    Carrie Chapman Catt proposes the formation of a league of women voters to "finish the fight."
  • The League of Women Voters

    The League of Women Voters is founded as a mighty experiment at the Victory Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Chicago, Illinois.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th amendment of the Constitution is signed into law, giving all American women the right to vote.
  • Nellie Tayloe Ross

    Nellie Tayloe Ross
    Nellie Tayloe Ross from Wyoming is inaguarated as the first woman governor in the United States.
  • Babe Didrikson

    Babe Didrikson
    Babe Didrikson pitches a full inning for the Philadelphia Athletics
  • Gertrude Ederle

    Gertrude Ederle
    Gertrude Ederle is the first women to win the English Channel.
  • Frances Perkins

    Frances Perkins
    Frances Perkins was the first women in the U.S cabinet.
  • Jacqueline Cochran

    Jacqueline Cochran
    Jacqueline Cochran becomes the first women to break the sound barrier.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks is arrested in Montgomery, Alabama and starts the civil rights movement.