week 3

  • panama canal

    -9/16/1903 - 9/17/1914
    -President Roosevelt oversaw realization of a long tern united state goal, trans-isthmian canal
    -through the 1800s, america and British leaders and businessman wanted to ship goods quickly and cheapy between the Atlantic and pacific coast
    -international trade influenced the political situations in order to build the canal.
  • Sanford B. Dole

    -dole was a lawyer who led the provisional government while it worked out plans for the u.s. to annex he islands
    -when president Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii because of the planters actions in seizing power, dole served as Hawaii president.
    -After the outbreak of the Spanish-american war, congress then voted to annex Hawaii
    -Dole served as governor of Hawaii from 1900-1903
    -dole pineapple company was named after him
    - dole overthrew Queen Lilivokalani
  • USS Maine

    -maine was sent to cuba to protect u.s. interests during the cuba war of independence.
    -feburay 15, the maine exploded in havana harbor killing 266 men
    -leaded to the spanish-american war
    -yellow journalism swept the nation and its propaganda helped to precipitate military action by the u.s.
    -this gave the u.s. the opportunity to become an empire.
  • Sinking of the USS maine

    -the Maine was sent to Cuba to protect american citizen while the Cuban revolutionaries were fighting Spain for independence.
    -The newspaper writers on blamed Spain for the explosion so there was a public uproar.
    -many Americans saw this as a chance to seize other overseas possessions and begin building an american empire.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    -roosevelt was elected gov. of NY until 1900's, but came popular w/ rep. party then elected VP under president Mckinley.
    - sept 14 theodore became the 26th president , b/c president mckinley was assassinated
    - establish pelican island FL as fed birds reserve and signs treaty with panama for building of panama canal and help establish yosemite park and national park.
  • open doors policy

    -john hays sent all the imperial countries a letter called the open door note which urged them to announce that in their spheres of influence
    -they would respect Chinese rights and the idea of fair competition.
    -the purpose was to give all nations equal rights when trading w/ china, soother euro. nations wouldn't use the boxer rebellion to take over china.
    -was aimed to enhance global trade and promote china's welfare and sovereignty.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    -was an addition to the Monroe doctrine
    -said the u.s. had the right to exercise military force in Latin american countries to keep Europeans out
    -lead the us into conflict with the Caribbean and central america
    -was an important part of american imperialism
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    dollar diplomacy

    -was to create stability and order abroad that would best promote america commercial interests. -to improve financial opportunities to use private capital further US interest overseas
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    Weapons of total part 2

    Machine guns:
    -fully automatic mounted or portable firearm, design to fire bullets in a quick succession from am ammunition belt.
    -Developed for rapid firing
    -one of the most deadliest and devastating weapons.
    Trench warfare:
    -method of fighting where opposing armies fought from and defended their territories using a system of day out trenches.
    -to constrict a thought out system that under went constant revision.
    -protected men from machine guns.
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    weapons of total war part 3

    airplanes: purpose- started reconnaissance. cause- didn't have a way to bomb they used tanks but they were too slow. effect- introduced Ariel bombing and attacking troops on the ground from the air
    poison gas: purpose- fatally injured victims. use to attack large armies. cause- Germany wanted to stay ahead in terms of gas warfare effects- 79000 soldiers were killed. on soil for weeks making capture of infected trenches dangerous.
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    weapons of total war part 3

    tanks: purpose- the development of tanks was a response to stalemate of trench warfare. effect- it did a great deal to end horrors of trench warfare and brought back some mobility of the western front.
    canned food: purpose- canned food in particular was cheap source of substance and it was relatively easy to mass produce and deliver to soldiers. Effects- become more widespread because it was cheap and more people became accustomed to eating packaged food.
  • Sussex pledge

    -promise made in 1916 during ww1 by Germany to the u.s. prior to the latters entry into the war.
    -the Sussex, a french cross-channel passenger ferry was torpedoed w/o warning on march 24,1916
    -about 50 lives were taken
  • American Expeditionary force

    -the AEF consisted of the u.s. armed forces sent to Europe under the command of general john j. pershing in 1917 to help fight WW1.
    -14,000 u.s. soldiers had arrived in france and AEF had only a minor participation.
    -nickname "doughboys" possibly because of the whitebelts they wore which they clean with pipe clay or dough.
    - pershing believe in a combat and felt that 3 yrs of trench warfare made allies too defensive. american force to stop german advance.
  • zimmerman telegram

    -this was a message from the German Foreign Minister to Mexico Gov.
    -the war between the US and Germany is published on the front pages of newspaper across american to help bring america into WW1.
  • The Fourteen Point Plan

    -president Woodrow Wilson was the author of the fourteen points.
    -it was as statement of principles for world peace negotiations in order to end WW1.
    -Europeans welcomed the plan but congress and Wilson's colleagues in France,Italy, and UK. rejected the plan.
    -he was awarded a Nobel peace prize in 1919 for his peace-making efforts
  • German unrestricted submarine warfare

    -was first introduced in WW1 when Germany declared the area around the British isles a war zone , in which all merchant ships, including those from neutral countries would be attacked by the German navy which led to the U.S. into war
    -submarines sink vesseis such as freighters and tankers w/o warning.
  • espionage act

    -the law was extended on may 16,1918 by the sedition act of 1918- actually a set of amendments to the espionage act- which prohibited many fears of speech, including any disloyal, scumilous or abusive language about the from of government of the U.S.
  • U.S. soldier Alvin york

    -In 1918, U.S. corporal Alvin C. York reportedly kills over 20 German Soldier and capture an additional 132 at the head of a small detachment in the aigone forest near the Meuse river in France
    - several other american soldiers followed York's
    -he was given credit for killing more than 20 Germans soldiers,promoted to the ronla of sergeant
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    Battles of Argonne forest

    -the battle of the Argonne forest was major part of the final allied offensive of WW1.
    -was fought from September 26, 1918 until the armistice of November 11 1918 total of 47 days
    - the battle cost 28,000 German lives and 26,277 Americans lives making in the largest and bloodiest operation of WW1.
  • treaty of Versailles

    -it was the peace treatie at the end of WW1
    -it ended the state of war between Germany and the allied powers.
    -The surrenders of German colonies of nations mandates
    -but wasn't signed by the u.s.
    -the provisions caused German expansion economic downfall and hyperinflation and vulnerability of the German people and led to the election of Hitler and the fascist party
  • League of nations

    -intergovernmental organization as a result of the Paris peace.
    -purpose was to maintain world peace
    -weakness - lacked there own armed forces they depended on the great, but they were reluctant to help
    -the league severely weakened when several major powers, such as the u.s. and Russia, failed to join it
    - league proved incapable of preventing aggression by axis powers and countries started withdrawing from the league
  • Alfred thayer mahan

    -mahan was commissioned in the u.s. navy in 1859
    -mahan spent the next two deca. making his career in the sea service.
    -published book 1660-1783 which focused on advancing state power
    -the sea bought immigrants to the shores of the new nation and served as a base for outward trade.
    -Mahan book expanding westwards assimilating half of the north american continent into its political union.
  • Henry cabot Lodge

    -He was served as u.s. senate
    -he wanted a stronger navy and increase the u.s. empire.
    -imperialism - a policy of extending a country's power and influence through, diplomacy or military force.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    -he was a rough riders because he left post as naval secretary to become colonel of the first volunteer canary
    -Roosevelt charges up san juan hill on his horse while the rough riders followed on foot and he became a hero.
  • weapons of total war

    -the use of unrestricted warfare was to have major impact on WW1 as it was one of the main reasons why america joined the war.
    -navel or water mines are self contained explosive devices placed in water to damage or destroy surface ships or submarines
    -land mines are self contained explosive devices concealed under the earth.
  • sinking of Lusitania

    -less than a year WW1 a German u-boat the rms, a British ocean liner route from new York to liver pool, England