war of 1812

  • james madison

    james madison became presdient
  • antarctica is dicoverd

    on january 31 antarctica is dicoverd
  • first burmese war ends

    febuary 24 first burmese war ends
  • andrew jackson

    andrew jacson became president
  • france invades algeria

    france invades algeria 12th of october
  • victoria become Queen of great britain

    in 1837 victoria becoes queen of gret britian
  • cherokee forced to ove west

    on june8, 1838 cherokee was fored to move west
  • william henry presdent

    febuary 9 william henry became president
  • john tyler

    john tyler became presdent
  • congress declares war on mexico

    13th of may 1846 congress declares war on mexico
  • neptune discorved

    neptue was dicorved september 23
  • second republic begins in france

    on december 2 the second republic began in france
  • california gold rush begins

    on the 28th of january caalifornia gold rush begins
  • gold discorved in australia

    on may 10th gold discorved in australia
  • crimean war begins

    on october 1 crimean war began
  • florida becomes a stae

    in 1845 florida became the