
Waiting For Normal wcrouch.

  • Period: to

    Waiting For Normal by Walter Crouch

  • Exposition Backround

    Addison's father died when she was 3 and she has a step dad named dwight that her mother hates. She also has 2 step sisters who she loves deeply.
  • Exposition Setting

    Addie lives in New York in a trailer with her mom on the corner of Freeman's Bridge Road and Nott Street that Dwight gave to them to stay in.
  • Exposition Conflict

    Addison's family is separated and no matter what happens Addison's life is never normal
  • Exposition Characters

    Addison-Is a young girl in middle school that is having a hard time coping with her new life
    Dwight-Is Addison's stepfather that loves her very much and lives with Addi's two step sisters
    Grandio-Is Addison's grandfather that hates mommers and thinks she is irresponsible
    Mommers-Is Addisons irresponsible mom who hates Dwight and Grandio
    Soula + Elliot-Are friends of Addison that she met at the coener store
  • Period: to

    Waiting For Normal by Walter Crouch

  • Rising Action1

    Addi meets Soula and Eliott at the corner store who later on in the story become great friends with Addi and takes care of her when Mommers is not there
  • Rising Action 2

    Dwight recieves a new job and he moves to Lake George with Addi's step sisters which separated the family even more. This pushes Addi's idea of normal even further.
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    Addi figures out that Soula has cancer and that she is in alot of pain + she is doing chemotherapy
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Mommers leaves again but this time she leaves for three days and suddenly comes back with a brand new blue car.
  • Rising Action 5

    Addison meets Dwight's new girlfriend Hannah and thinks she is pretty nice and they eventually create a strong bond
  • Climax

    Addison is late to her concert waiting for Mommers.Then Dwight comes to pick her up and when they arrive she gets nervous and decides not to play
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    Addison decides not to play the flute any more and do the right thing so she returns the flute to her old school which she stole it from.
  • Falling Action 2

    Falling Action 2
    Addison does not want to visit her stepfather and sisters in Lake George anymore because she is tired of going and leaving, but Dwight still gives her a credit card if she needs it.
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    Addi decides that she is tired of cleaning up after Mommers so as she was taking a shower she decides to make hot chocolate but leaves Mommers grease on the store, and she accidently burns down the house.This is the last straw for Soula and it leads to her calling child services.
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Soula dies of cancer and leaves Addison money to buy a new flute so she can continue to play
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    Dwight adopts Addi and the family is finally back together and Addi has finally got normal in her life