Control desk concept

The Floor is Water Timeline (in it's entirety)

  • Christopher Wells is Born

    Christopher Wells is Born
  • Lydia Jefferson (Formerly Wells) is Born

    Lydia Jefferson (Formerly Wells) is Born
  • Robert Jefferson is Born

    Robert Jefferson is Born
  • Helena Wells is Born

    Helena Wells is Born
  • Julia Zargorsky is Born

    Julia Zargorsky is Born
  • Jeanne Grey is Born

    Jeanne Grey is Born
  • Samuel Thorne is Born

    Samuel Thorne is Born
  • Andrew Wiggin is Born

    Andrew Wiggin is Born
  • Michael Marciniak is Born

    Michael Marciniak is Born
  • Harleen Jefferson is Born

    Harleen Jefferson is Born
  • John Boyega is Born

    John Boyega is Born
  • Harleen// New Activites

    Six-year-old Harleen began Ballet and Gymnastics in attempt to try and achieve the impossibly high standards her mother and father placed upon her.
  • Julia is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets

    Julia is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets
  • Harleen// Progression pt.2

    Harleen// Progression pt.2
    Unlike gymnastics, Harleen progressed through the grading and vocational grading syllabus of ballet in accordance to her age, taking this as her more lax sport that almost supported gymnastics in a way. She trained five hours a day in gymnastics to keep up her progress but only clocked in three hours every second day for ballet.
  • Harleen// Progression

    Harleen// Progression
    With constant pressure from her parents to perform, but a general love of the sport, little Harls smashed through Compulsory Elite grades five through three in gymnastics ahead of anyone else in her company. She also demolished the competition in her first regional qualifier in the process.
  • Harleen// Unfortunate Events pt.1

    Harleen// Unfortunate Events pt.1
    Harleen’s parents are away with their careers during her tenth birthday, she tries to reason it away and tells herself that they really did want to spend the day with her. Harleen spends the week with her Aunt at the family home above Wells and Sons, her gradfather's bookstore, and learns what it means to have questions about her parents’ behaviour.
  • Harleen// Unfortunate Events pt.2

    Harleen// Unfortunate Events pt.2
    Helena is a good aunt, and during her visit, she meets her grandfather on her mother’s side, properly after ten and a half years of being not so unintentionally kept at a distance from that side of the family. The Wells family did not get along with their daughter/sister after a nasty fight, years previous. Harleen decides she prefers Christopher to her other grandparents; he’s kind and smart and everything she wants to be. He even fought in the army before retiring to own a book store.
  • Samuel is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets

    Samuel is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets
  • Harleen// Exceeding Limits (but Perhaps not Expectations)

    Harleen// Exceeding Limits (but Perhaps not Expectations)
    Harleen continues on her development and exceeds level 2 in gymnastics within months of her tenth birthday. At the end of the year, she enters national events and powers through the qualifiers before starting to aspire to higher qualifications. She is a power house, one of the youngest to join the national elite level. Harleen wants to go as far as she can and try to make her parents finally proud of her.
  • Injury, Retirement and Re-titling

    Injury, Retirement and Re-titling
    During a match, Zargorsky suffers a serious injury to her knee which forces her to retire early from the team. Feeling it time, the resident coach decides it time to also retire. He steps down from his role and offers it to Julia who takes it gratefully.
  • Halreen// And the love of an Auntie

    Halreen// And the love of an Auntie
    Harleen's parents start to be absent from competitions and the little gymnast, often, has to find her own way to practise. Mostly she calls on her Aunt Helena to help her, which the woman is always happy to. Their bond deepens after many care rides back and forth and Harleen often wants to leave home at the weekends to visit the Wells Household. She still practises in the local gym, and always returns home late Sunday evening before school. Harleen just forgoes her parents and lets herself in
  • Harleen// A Question of Caring

    Harleen// A Question of Caring
    Harleen finds herself wondering some very deep thought, driven by the hurt of her own parents essentially abandonning thier respinsibilities over her. So she decides, one day on the way home from the Wells', that if they don't care about her… Then she doesn’t care anput them. At least she tries to. Besides her Grandfather and Aunt still love her and maybe, Harleen attempts to convince herself, that should be enough.
  • Harleen// End of an Era pt.1

    Harleen// End of an Era pt.1
    Harleen quits learning ballet, but not personally practising it. After achieving her Solo Seal (above Advanced 2), she reaches the end of vocational grading and no longer can advance further without going competitive. It becomes a hobby instead, as she can't compete in both gymnastics and ballet safely for her health with the accompanying stress. Not for her parents sake. Afterall, Harleen isn't as active a member in the circuits as she is with gymnastics, and that just might be okay.
  • Harleen// End of an Era pt.2

    Harleen// End of an Era pt.2
    She continues gymnastics, naturally, now competing in global televised competitions whilst finishing her last two years in high school. It's tough but she makes it work. Harleen gets a name for herself after placing first in most elements, with some seconds in others. She ranks first overall, wiht awards in other achievements. She's too deep to leave it.
  • Julia// Observing Talent

    Julia// Observing Talent
    Zagorsky appears in the audience of Harleen's televised games after hearing about a kid that fought her way to the top at such a young age. She competes with grown-ups and that's something that Julia believes to be promising. She after all is always looking out for fresh talent in her spare time. She first makes a note of Harleen and continues to watch her progress.for the following years as the girl matures in the sport.
  • Harleen// Revelations

    Harleen// Revelations
    With all focus on education and gymnastics Harleen finds a fulfilment she didn’t every find in her parents and toys with the idea of moving away from home. How it might feel to be officially disengaged from Robert and Lydia. University, she knows she can do it. Her teachers are supportive of her decisions and push her (in a helpful manner) to strive for her dreams. She shows a talent within engineering fields, specifically computer science. STEM becomes her scholastic gymnastics.
  • Andrew is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets

    Andrew is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets
  • Harleen// A New Start

    Harleen// A New Start
    Harleen gets into the university of her choice and leaves home to live in the capitol, Central City, in student accommodation. Ready to make a new life for herself. She also becomes a barista to pay her way through university, whilst fixing people’s electronic devices on the side. Thank god for student loans and scholarships.
  • Harleen// Opportune Friends

    Harleen// Opportune Friends
    Harleen Meets Emilia Baptiste, Harrison Goodkin and Raj Rittan in a course lecture, all being solidly middle seating students. None are 'teacher's pet' enough to rock the front lines, but then again, they don't want to be back seaters either. As a consequence, Harleen finds herself amongst the best friends she's ever had, mayb the only ones. They understand her competitive spirt. Without a soubt, they become fast friends.
  • Harleen// Just a Little Less...

    Harleen// Just a Little Less...
    Due to university stress, Harleen steps down from competing as much as she used to in gymnastics but, instead, she finds other ways to fill the void. In bouldering with Raj and learning parkour at a local centre. She enjoys it and finds a less calendar imposing competitive circuit within the community. There is no doubt that before the end of the year, she will try her luck in contests, but that's just Harleen. She takes her skills to the streets where she met Ava and Chris.
  • Julia// A New Recruit

    Julia// A New Recruit
    After meeting her newest potential member, Julia left the decision with Harleen as to whether she felt ready to commit to the team. The girl appeared to be very intrigued and excited about the prospect, but even then, the coach could see how torn between her academia and ATLAS she found herself. Julia left her card with Harleen and told her to stay in touch, and to let her know how she was doing in her course. She cared about her, even as strangers. Education was certainly important.
  • Harleen// Fresher's Fair

    Harleen// Fresher's Fair
    Two years into her course, now popular amongst the lecturers, Harleen was requested to host the climbing union group's table at the Fresher's fair. She was rather taken a back to see the coach of the world famous Fire Ferrets crop up at her stall. In fact, it was here that Julia had first made herself known to Harleen, her interest in the girl's talent. Jules admitted that she understood the girl’s commitment to education but was not looking for a replacement until the next few seasons passed.
  • Micheal is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets

    Micheal is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets
  • Harleen// Oh Brother...

    Harleen// Oh Brother...
    Harleen recieved the shattering news that her parents had been hiding a pregnancy from her. Although, their avoidance in communicating with her wasn't a shock, she honestly felt replaced. Theo, her baby brother, had done nothing to her, and was innocent in everything but Harleen couldn't get past her heartbreak. The way they showered him in love and affection that she didn't ever get. Needless to say, the student drank until she couldn't make it into the next day of class, or the next.
  • Theo Jefferson is Born

    Theo Jefferson is Born
  • Emilia & Harleen// A Place to Call Home

    Emilia & Harleen// A Place to Call Home
    Emilia and Harleen finally pulled enough money together between them from their jobs in order to put a down payment down on a small house in which they intended to rent. It was a nice domestic accomplishment which made Harleen feel as if she finally had a place to call 'home', even if it didn't include a family. She was content with just herself Emilia, university assignments and streaming websites.
  • Emilia & Harleen// Bills, Bills, Bills, Bills...

    Emilia & Harleen// Bills, Bills, Bills, Bills...
    In a time that wasn’t very financially stable, Harleen started to worry about how she was going to keep everything a float without the help of her parents and only Emilia’s mom to help. University expenses didn't help, bills either. She found the card that Julia had given her, tucked into her folder. Harleen reached out to her an explained their situation and Julia agreed to help, to find her a sponsor as long as she came to train once a week with the team to get a feel for the work they did.
  • Harleen & Julia// Help Me, Help You... Please.

    Harleen & Julia// Help Me, Help You... Please.
    Harleen was so nervous to bring any of her worries up having already been so gifted by Julia, but eventually she had to have the conversation with the Ferrets coach about education. She was pleasantly surprised to hear that Julia would allow her to continue to another level of education on once caveat, that she joined the team. Harleen a week to answer, relieved but knowing how hard it would be for her. She agreed to the terms and promsed to start after graduation. Harleen was over the moon.
  • Julia// Of Sponsors and Bonding

    Julia// Of Sponsors and Bonding
    True to her word, Julia kept her promise, sustaining the sponsor from 8BPlus as Harleen in return trained and improved her abilities. She could feel herself getting connected to the girl against her best intentions, but she let it happen. Something made her want to care. Harleen did some work for 8BPlus, product pictures and product testing. Julia couldn't stop her, however, from continuing with ‘Jasmine Dragon’, and her computer repair services to keep her income secure. The girl was driven.
  • Harleen is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets

    Harleen is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets
    After graduating from her undergraduate and waiting to start her postgraduate, Harleen is scouted for the fire ferret team. Thorne, Marciniak and Wiggins welcome her in to the fold along with a man that is around Julia's age. Damien Fitzgerald, the eldest and next to retire, imparts his knowledge to Harleen and reminds her why she loved gymnastics so much as a former gymnastics champion himself.
  • Harleen// Struggling Money No More

    Harleen// Struggling Money No More
    Paycheck time! Harleen finally earns enough from being part of the Ferrets to quit working as a Barista and a Repair guru, earning still from her sponsors and product endorsements as well as the teams winnings, even in one ATLAS season. She feels privileged and grateful to be a part of their team, finally feeling as if she is a part of something bigger.
  • Harleen// Bonding Heals the Soul

    Harleen// Bonding Heals the Soul
    Julia and Harls bond on a deeper level than the rest of the team, the ex-athlete sees something in her that reminds her of herself at that age. Julia keeps an eye on Harleen and makes sure she thrives instead of getting lost in the flurry of experiences she had been dropped into. In fact, in the last session of the year, she invites Harls to spend Christmas with her. The girl isn't too keen on spending the Holidays with her family until a New Years reunion with her aunt and grandpa.
  • Harleen & Jullia // Christmas Day [part one]

    Having Harleen there with her at Christmas was healing for Julia and her usually sullen morale, but even more, it was insightful. The coach was around her athlete near 24/7, leading up to the festive day itself, given the weather. So, she had gotten the chance to observe how she was outside of practise. Julia wasn't stupid. After working with her new recruit for a month, she notices little mannerisms and behaviours that she was familiar with in her absent roomate.
  • Harleen & Jullia // Christmas Day [part two]

    She loses years of her age in intreractions, content to watch cartoons in the living area as Julia potters about the home, but always eagre for attention upon her return. Carrie was a little, something which isn't widely accepted or known, but something Julia always dotes upon. She's essentially her caregiver but without the title as Carrie and herself hadn't ever really labelled their relationship or felt the need to.
  • Harleen & Jullia // Christmas Day [part three]

    If anything, Harleen Jefferson, the teams precious warchild, was eerily remindant of the tells of someone teetering over headspaces but never really taking the leap. So, Julia gathered up the legos Carrie had left scattered in her room before leaving for her parents' house, and brought them to the girl in lieu of a project for a friend's child. Harleen was a glow, excited and eagre to begin, Julia was exceptionally amused. They played like that all of Christmas day.
  • Harleen & Jullia // Christmas Day [part four]

    Following their eventful Christmas, Julia had descovered that Harleen (or rather, little Harley) verry much enjoyed cartoons, cuddling and lego, although she didn't focus on the building rahter than the colours and how they fit together. Glassed of milk were easily spilled as the headspace was nurtured unless Julia put it in a lidded cup... And even then. But most fondly, Julia noted that Harleen was comfortable enough around her to act in that way. Much was to come.
  • Harleen & Jullia // Christmas Day [part five]

    When Harleen had slept off her innocent haze and had become very self-concious and embarrased about everything, Julia sat her down for a talk. She was pleased that Harls was honest with her and discovered she wasn't a stranger to regression in the lower levels when life with her family got rough and she needed a mental escape. However, she had never gone futher than hazing out whilst watching cartoons. She enoyed them, and then moved on.
  • Harleen & Jullia // Christmas Day [part seven]

    Harleen and Julia agreed to keep her secret, although, Julia really felt like she could help the girl, seeing as shee already looked after Carrie in her little days. So she made sure Harleen felt loved during practise and that they always spoke daily, on phone or text. She invited her over for movie nights and as time went on, they became braver and introduced Harleen more to her little side, which was apparently far younger that the kiddo that Carrie was. Julia made it known that she was there.
  • Harleen// Inaugural Debut

    Harleen// Inaugural Debut
    Harleen competes in her debut game. She, for the most part, presents pretty exceptional strategy and performance. However, in the last quarter when she reaches to far to impress. She makes a major mistake which literally takes the wind from her lungs. Harleen plumets hard into the waves attempting to get a point thruster the team had disregarded because of it impossible skill level. Her pride takes a blow, but she is only motivated on to improve herself so she can reach it next time.
  • Harleen// Family Feud

    Harleen// Family Feud
    Harleen gets in a nasty fight with her mother at the end of a practise session when her mother and father show up to chastise her about her decisions. They found out about her quitting her barista job and electronic customer base in the move to ATLAS. Despite not interacting with her for years, they wanted to suddenly control it. She's shaken.
  • Julia// Protective Streak

    Julia// Protective Streak
    During the fights between her athlete, Harleen, and her parents, Julia defends her, questioning the right that Lydia has to dictate what the girl does when she (from pre-adolescence) could not gve the girl the time of day. They too fight, making Harleen's emotions intensify. Julia feels exceptionally guilty. She takes the emotional athlete back to her place after she shuts down post-fight. Not profitable her arse. Julia is beginning to see why Harleen all but disowned them.
  • Harleen & Carrie// And the Roomate

    Harleen & Carrie// And the Roomate
    Harleen, after missing out on meeting Carrie at Christmas as she was away visting her family, finally gets to meet Julia's Roomate. She's non-judgemental about the whole clinically dysfunctional family charade and makes sure Harls is comfy and well looked after. She respects Carrie for that and wishes such a put together person was her friend. She would never say, but her friends are as bad as her in the whole barely-human status. Each struggling in certain capacities of life. Different is good.
  • Carrie & Harleen // Discussions

    Before leaving for Harleen's first Games, Julia hosts a get together for the ferrets. It is here where she gets her first taste of little friendship with Carrie. After the initial party antics, Carrie excuses them to her room where she bubbles over with excitement that she finally got to discuss things.
  • Harleen// Development

    Harleen// Development
    Harleen makes a name for herself in her first summer season of the ATLAS games. Though risky, she essentially redefines some strategies of traversing the course, tackling it as if she were on te floor cometitions of gymnastics. As long as she doesn't get a single limb wet, she's in the clear right? Doesn't mean she can't use debree as boyancy... Can you throw yourself onto a cliff face? Maybe. Is it an illegal move? Nope! She certainly can say she's improved. Her brain is certainly developing.
  • John is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets

    John is recruited to Republic City's Fire Ferrets
  • Harleen// Secure Settlement

    Harleen// Secure Settlement
    Harleen helps on majority to pay off the mortgage to her and Emilia’s flat with her winnings and sponsorship.
  • Harleen// Lovers Meeting

    Harleen// Lovers Meeting
    Harleen meets Jeanne, after a gruelling session of training, when she and the boys go out for a drink in the town where the writer is doing a book reading. They become fast friends but do not ignore the attraction between them. Jeanne and Harleen exchange numbers and go from there.
  • Uncomfortable Japanese Venture

    Uncomfortable Japanese Venture
    When the team and their respective families and partners are travelling to the Japanese Hosted ATLAS Finals, Harleen is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Having somewhat reconnected with her mother and father to be civil for her little brothers sake, she finds herself the buffer in between Jeanne, Julia and the Jeffersons. Lydia does not like either but enjoys the attention that a famous 'daughter brings'. The remaining team feel uncomfortable, but support Harls' attempt at an olive branch.