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Violence and the civil rights movement

  • The murder of Emmit Till

    The murder of Emmit Till
    On August 28th, 1955, Emmit Louis Till was murdered by 2 white men that were offended when Emmit said something to one of the guy's wife. This was important to African Americans because this was the point that had gotten African Americans in the south more involved in civil rights.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    this was the day that President Eisenhower dispatched troops to protect 9 African American students going to an all white school. it is important to African Americans because it it took courage for those 9 students to stand up against education segregation.
  • Mack Charles Parker taken from jail and lynched

    Mack Charles Parker taken from jail and lynched
    Mack Charles Parker was a victim of lynching because he was accused of raping a pregnant white woman in northern Pearl River County, Mississippi. It was important to African Americans because this was one of the many tragic cases of lynching that doesnt receive proper justice.
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    The Freedom riders is when a group of white and black civil rights activast rode 2 buses through segregated cities in the deep south to new orleans. it was important to African Americans because it resulted in itergrating interstate buses and bus terminals.
  • William Lewis Moore slain

    William Lewis Moore slain
    on this day, William Lewis Moore was shot in the head twice when marching to the Govener of mississippi's door to deliver a letter. it was important to African Americans because he was one of the Freedom walkers fighting for equality but brutially murdered for the cause.
  • Birmingham police attack marching children

    Birmingham police attack marching children
    multiple marches were organized, one by even MLK him self, to protest american segregation. it was important to African Americans because it eventually led to equal voting rights.
  • Medgar Evers killed

    Medgar Evers killed
    As Medgar Evers was testing segregation in the university of mississippi, he was assassinated by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the White Citizens' Council. His murder was important to Afican Americans because it inspired civil rights protests, as well as works of art, music, and film.
  • 16th street church bombing

    16th street church bombing
    One sunday morning, KKK supporters planted bombs in the famous 16th street church and killed 4 young girls attending sunday school in the basement of the building. it was important to African Americans because it was one of the most importanat events of 1963-64.
  • Civil rights workers slain

    Civil rights workers slain
    In Philadelphia, MS, 3 civil rights workers, James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner were lynced and murdered by members of the KKK. This was important to African Americans because it was another attack on Civil rights but will only make the alliance stronger.
  • Civil rights marcher killed by state trooper

    Civil rights marcher killed by state trooper
    Jimmy Lee Jackson was shot and killed when state troopers tried to break up a non-violent protest by beating the protesters. This was important because it deminstrated the violence towards african americans that even police showed.
  • MLK assassinated

    MLK assassinated
    this day, major civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr was kiled at the Lorraine Motel in Tennessee. this was important to african americans because he was one of the biggest civil rights leaders that influence the non-violent protest method and helped better equality.