Vietnam War Timeline GCU 113

By sdb123
  • Japan seizes Vietnam

    Japan seizes Vietnam
    Japan overthrows the French colonial rule over Vietnam out of fear of American invasion.
  • First U.S. Serviceman Killed in Vietnam

    First U.S. Serviceman Killed in Vietnam
    Lt. Col. Peter Dewey lost his life in Saigon. He was the fisr of over 59,000 Americans to die in the conflict.
  • Ho Chi Minh Comes to Power

    Ho Chi Minh Comes to Power
    Ho Chi Minh formally takes control of North Vietnam after the French surrender and leave the country.
  • South Vietnam Established

    South Vietnam Established
    The Republic of South Vietnam becomes a separate country in opposition to Communist rule in North Vietnam
  • North Vietnamese Draft

    North Vietnamese Draft
    Universal conscription for young North Vietnamese men is established in an effort to build up troops for armed conflict.
  • Operation Chopper

    Operation Chopper
    The first American combat mission in Vietnam
  • Foreign Assistance Act of 1962

    Foreign Assistance Act of 1962
    President John F. Kennedy signs the Foreign Assistance Act of 1962, providing military assistance to countries at risk of falling to Communism, including Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing President Johnson to do whatever he needed to defend Southeast Asia from Communism.
  • Operation Crimp

    Operation Crimp
    The largest U.S. operation of the Vietnam War is launched, and fails at its mission to find a Viet Cong base.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Viet Cong launches large scale attacks on South Vietnames and American forces.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    The Ohio National Guard shot and killed 4 students at an anti-war protest on the Kent State University campus.
  • Cease Fire

    Cease Fire
    Representatives from all groups involved in the Vietnam War sign a cease fire.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    President Nixon, a stong advocate for South Vietnam resigns following the Watergate scandal, leaving less support for the war in office.
  • American Airlift Evacuation

    American Airlift Evacuation
    American troops send over 1,000 U.S. civilians and 7,000 Vietnamese refugees to America in preparation for the end of the war the following day.
  • The End of the War

    The End of the War
    The last American soldiers leave Vietnam, and the Viet Cong take control of Vietnam.