Victorian/Realism/Naturalism/Reactions to Realism (1850-1900)

  • Period: to

    The History

    This is events of Victorian, Realism and Naturalism In the 1800s.
  • The Bible in Realism

    The Bible in Realism
    In the 1850s there was a talk about the earth being millions of years old and that the talk of Christ in The Bible was by some thought it could be fake and others still thought it was real in which this kind of help being the era of Melodramas because there could be two sides right and wrong.
  • Realists and Naturalists was being put down for their version of truth

    Realists and Naturalists was being put down for their version of truth
    Some thought that what these groups were doing was not right and not bringing the truth into society. They also thought they should do more close to home things and doing more real problems. But, the Realists were saying that if they want a better society than they should stop putting them down and go fix the real problems.
  • Naturalism is too much for theatre.

    Naturalism is too much for theatre.
    Naturalism was thought to be too much because of them wanting to show the "truth in art". They often explored the themes of poverty and other things in the low class levels in which didn't really fly with too many people at all. Zola thought that the naturalism was like medicine, he thought it could cure problems just like medicine but this didn't work out for too long. After this died out the naturalism turned into realism.
  • A Doll's House Part 2

    A Doll's House Part 2
    When Nora's husband finds out about what she has done he doesn't want to ruin his life and job so he makes her corrupt so she can't have nothing to do with the family anymore. After the man says he will not leak out the crime her husband wants to bring back their life but she says no and gives up on all of them. The ending had a lot of controversy because people thought the family was treated wrong and at that time it was a big thing. Also people didn't like that the women was the leader of it.
  • A Doll's House Part 1

    A Doll's House Part 1
    A Doll's House is an example of Realism and is one of the most important plays in history. The play is about a women who forged his dad's name on some money to play for her husband doctors to save his life and now since he is recovered she is faced with having her life being locked away by the man who gave her the money if she doesn't help him with keeping his banker job. Also in the play she wants to keep the truth from her husband Torvald because she thinks he will take the blame for it.
  • The Independent Theatre Movement Part 1

    The Independent Theatre Movement Part 1
    This movement was caused because the realism and naturalism movements were being censored very bad which caused most to not even be played. This caused them to move independently throughout Europe in which at the first part they could not be played to the public until they could get the go ahead to perform more mature things in their plays. But, they found a loophole where they could perform to private groups in which they could subscribe and see any show they want and it would not be censored.
  • The Independent Theatre Movement Part 2

    The Independent Theatre Movement Part 2
    The first independent theatre was opened in 1887 and it was called the Theatre Libre which was founded by Andre Antoine. It was the first to change the way for people to see the most violent plays and to show the world a new way of plays.
  • Reactions to Realism

    Reactions to Realism
    In the late 1880s there was a thing going around in which they wanted to put a stop to the realism plays. There was a debate that art should be able to tell real world problems in which these plays were trying to do and some did not still agree with this thought of realism
  • 19th-century spectacle in Victorian era

    19th-century spectacle in Victorian era
    "This theatre, with the introduction of hydraulic stage machinery in 1894, became the acknowledged home of such drama. Because of their heavy reliance upon visual spectacle, many of these dramas provided excellent material for the developing silent cinema." Victorian era.
  • Realism in the late 1890s

    Realism in the late 1890s
    By the late 1890s realism was being more enjoyed everywhere and was being more common to be used in theatres at this time. Even to this day plays that uses realism are still around and being played.