US Timeline 1800 - 1850

  • Period: to

    US History 1800 - 1850

  • 1800 Info

    1800 Info
    The population was 5,308,483
    Jefferson was elected President
    The Northwest Territory was claimed ceeded to the Federal Government
  • What Did Congress End

    What Did Congress End
    The Embargo Act
  • 1810 Info

    1810 Info
    The population was 7,239,881
    James Madison was President
    Territory of Orleans
  • What important institution gained its 20 year charter?

    What important institution gained its 20 year charter?
    The second bank of the United States
  • The Constitution of this changed the way people traded and traveled

    The Constitution of this changed the way people traded and traveled
    Foreign Policy
  • What territory did we gain by treaty

    What territory did we gain by treaty
  • What compromise occured?

    What compromise occured?
    Missouri Compromise
  • 1820 Info

    1820 Info
    The population was 9,638,453
    John Quincy Adams was elected President
    Illinois was split off from Massachusetts
  • What route west was opened?

    What route west was opened?
    Santa Fe Trail
  • What important piece of foreign policy was created?

    What important piece of foreign policy was created?
    Monroe Doctrine
  • What happened in California?

    Couldn't find answer
  • What Tariff was passed?

    What Tariff was passed?
    A protective Tariff named Tariff of Abombinations
  • What significant bill changed American settlement patterns?

    What significant bill changed American settlement patterns?
    Kansas Nebraska Act
  • 1830 Info

    1830 Info
    The population was 12,860,702
    James K. Polk was elected President
    Arkansas Territory from the Louisiana Purchase
  • What rebellion occured?

    What rebellion occured?
    Nat Turner's Rebellion
  • What charter was renewed?

    What charter was renewed?
    The 2nd bank of the United States
  • What revolution began?

    What revolution began?
    Texas Revolution
  • What famous siege occured, and what happened with Texas?

    What famous siege occured, and what happened with Texas?
    The Battle of Alamo occured, and Texas declared it's independence
  • What famous trail was created?

    What famous trail was created?
    The Trail of Tears
  • 1840 Info

    1840 Info
    The population was 17,063,353
    Martin Van Buren elected President
    Florida Territory was purchased from the Spanish Empire
  • The first wagon train reached what territory?

    The first wagon train reached what territory?
    What is now the United States
  • What event in Ireland began and how did that affect US history?

    What event in Ireland began and how did that affect US history?
    The Great Famine began it claimed Irish ethnicity
  • We went to war with whom? Why?

    We went to war with whom? Why?
    Mexica, because the 2 countries could not agree on which river formed the southern boundary
  • 1850 Info

    1850 Info
    The population is 23,191,876
    Millard Filmore elected President
    Minnesota Territory