US History Timeline

  • President McKinley Assassinated

    President McKinley Assassinated
    After assassination, Teddy Roosevelt became president. 1901-1915
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    Connects the Atlantic to the Pacific (opened in 1914)
    President-Teddy R.
  • Model T Car

    Model T Car
    Henry Ford makes first affordable car
  • 16th and 17th Amendments

    16th and 17th Amendments
    16th- establishment of income tax
    17th- direct election of senators
  • WWI Begins

    WWI Begins
    WWI began in Europe
    Bloodiest war in history "The Great War"
  • Woodrow Wilson Wins Reelection

    Woodrow Wilson Wins Reelection
    NEW PRESIDENT!! Woodrow Wilson
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Established the draft
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    outlaws the purchase, sale and transport of alcohol
  • 19th Amendment

    Gave women the right to vote
  • FDR Won Presidency

    FDR became the new president
  • Unemployment rates shot high

    Unemployment rates reached 25%
  • FDR's first 100 days

    FDR creation of countless jobs, most productive of any president's 1st 100 days
  • Social Security Act

    establishes funds for unemployed and elderly
  • WWII began

    Germany (led by Adolf Hitler) invades Poland; wwe begins
    U.S. attempts isolationism from war in Europe
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor leading the US to join the war
  • Turning point of WWII

    Midway- U.S. defeats Japan, seen as turning point in the war in the Pacific
  • Manhattan Project

    creation of the Atomic Bomb
  • D-Day

    Largest land/sea invasion
  • Liberation of the Nazi Camps

    Allies liberate Nazi concentration camps in Eastern Europe
  • FDR Dies

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
  • New President

    Harry Truman became president
  • Atomic bombs dropped

    Hiroshima (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug 9) - Japan surrenders
  • Iron Curtain

    describes division of Communist Eastern Europe from Western Europe
  • Truman Doctrine

    U.S. intent to fight Communism by helping free nations resist it
  • Berlin Blockade

    USSR blocks all aid into West Berlin; Berlin Airlift-U.S. drops food and supplies by air to West Berlin
  • NATO

    (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) created - alliance system of 26 countries in North America and Europe
  • Korean War

    U.S. aids South Korea against North Korea; Peace Treaty in 1953
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson; says separate but equal is unconstitutional
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up seat on bus to whites
  • Polio Vaccine

    onas Salk-creates polio vaccine
  • Sputnik

    USSR launches first satellite in space
  • JFK president

    1st televised Presidential debate - JFK vs. Nixon
  • "Sit-Ins”

    Lunch Counter "Sit-Ins” spark waves of civil rights protest; SCLC created by MLK, Jr.
  • Berlin Wall

    divides East and West Berlin (East was communist)
  • "I have a dream”

    speech given by MLK - speech for civil rights
  • JFK killed

    Lee Harvey Oswald assassinates JFK in Dallas, TX
  • LBJ president

    launches "Great Society" program to end poverty and racism
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    bans discrimination in education, employment, & public places
  • Miranda vs. Arizona

    police must read suspects their rights
  • New President

    Jimmy Carter