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US History Timeline

  • Alaska is Purchased from Russia

  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of Transcontinental Railroad
    This was the gateway to industrialization in the United States. More people were able to move across the country without as many problems. This helped many to get better resources than they did have, and increased trade routes.
  • John D. Rockefeller starts Standard Oil

  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

  • Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This act was a way for the United states to keep the Chinese from coming to America. This excluded all Chinese immigrants from entering our borders, and made it to where all Asian immigrants needed a sponsor, to live in the US. They would be imprisoned for months or even years before being allowed to immigrate, and were not given the nutrition needed.
  • Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

  • Carnegie Steel's Homestead Strike

  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    This Supreme Court case, made segregation easier for the south. Blacks and whites were not separate but equals by no means, but nothing could be done about it. This is known as one of the biggest mistakes that the Supreme Court has made and started to deteriorate in the case of Brown vs The Board of Education where separate schools for black and white children was deemed unconstitutional.
  • The U.S. declares war on Spain

    The U.S. declares war on Spain
    The declaration of war was caused by the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine battleship. The war was instigated by newspapers and president McKinley pushed the congress to proceed. The war ended in 1898 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
  • Hawaii is Annexed

  • Rudyard Kipling published “The White Man’s Burden” in The New York Sun

  • The start of the Boxer Rebellion

  • Tenement Act

    Tenement Act
    This act along with many reforms came about due to the way that people lived. There was not enough bathrooms, and healthy living styles for those who lived in the city and this helped to ensure that people could live in good environments. The act gave people the space that they should have and a safe environment to live.
  • Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

  • Ellis Island Opens

    Ellis Island Opens
    Millions of immigrants immigrated from Europe through Ellis Island. They wouldn't go through near as much as the immigrants from Angel Island would have to. They would just do a routine doctor inspection, and a legal inspection. Most settled in big cities.
  • The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end

  • The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Western Hem

  • Upton Sinclair releases “The Jungle”

    Upton Sinclair releases “The Jungle”
    This literary work outed the meat packing industry. The industry did not do anything cleanly and is cause multiple sicknesses and deaths. This book made people become very suspicious and eventually lead to regulations and laws. AKA the pure food and drug act.
  • Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are passed

  • Peak year of immigration through Ellis Island

  • Henry Ford Produces his first Model T (car)

  • Creation of the NAACP

  • The Triangle Shirtwaste Fire

  • The Assassination on Austria’s archduke Franz Ferdinand starts WWI

  • The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic

    The Panama Canal is completed and opened for traffic
    The opening of the Panama canal was a very beneficial piece of history. This helped trade routes become easier and smaller. Instead of having to go all the way around Latin American, we could now go through the Panama Canal.
  • The United States enters WWI

  • Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition

    Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition
    During the time that the 18th amendment was put into affect people thought that violence and poverty was mainly caused by alcohol. The 18th amendment only stopped the manufacturing, selling, and movement of alcohol, not the consumption. Eventually it was seen as absurd and taken away by the 21st amendment, that stated you had to be 21 to legally purchase any alcoholic beverages.
  • Women got the right to vote.

    Women got the right to vote.
    Women getting the right to vote was long sought for through multiple women associations. Some took extreme measures like the hunger strike and some tried to work specifically through their states. The women's suffrage movement helped for women to gain the right to vote on a federal level.