Us history timeline

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus discovers america-wealth

    Columbus came to the new world for gold and money. In america there are more ways to get money
  • The first amendment-religion

    It means you cant discriminate against peoples religion. This way people can believe in what they want.
  • American economy was built-wealth

    A way to control money was made. It keeps everyone organiazed and prevents too much money from being made
  • Sacco and vanzettien- religion

    They were wrongly convicted of a muder they didnt do. They were ittalian and were discrimatrd on.
  • Churches-Religion

    People went to church for food. Teach about god.
  • citizens vs FEC- wealth

    People were blocking donations. There was less money being sent becasue of this
  • Abercrombie and fitch- religion

    They did not hire a woman who was muslum. They discrimated against her
  • Hobby Lobby- Religion

    They didnt want to pay for birth control because it was "aganist their beliefs". they actually didnt want to pay for it
  • Athiests-religion

    People who dont believe in God are athiests
  • John green Video- wealth

    This video talked about they diferent religions in the new world. Certian religions were descrimanited.
  • cooroperations run america- wealth

    They use monmey for power. The more money the more powerful they are. They do anythuing to fiund ways to make moire miney.